ace warm marriage

Chapter 1017 Say yes or no

Chapter 1017 Say Yes or Not (Eight)

Seeing Sheng Fenghua escorting his master away, those men in black had no choice but to follow.

Ye Qingquan took Sheng Fenghua out of the hall and headed for the corridor.After passing through a corridor, it turned to another road, and then headed towards a remote place.

Sheng Fenghua held Ye Qingquan in his arms, and the more he walked forward, the tighter his Xiumei frowned.

After walking a few steps forward, Sheng Fenghua suddenly called out, "Stop!"

When Ye Qingquan heard Sheng Fenghua's shout, his eyes flickered, he stopped, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Are you sure this is the way to the dungeon?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Ye Qingquan coldly, and the silver needle in his hand pierced his body.

Ye Qingquan's expression changed due to the tingling pain in his body, but he didn't dare to act rashly, he didn't even dare to shout loudly.As for the men in black who followed behind, they dared not say anything.

"Say, what do you want to do? Where do you want to take me?" Sheng Fenghua started drinking again.

She is not a flower in a greenhouse, although she has never been to this Gu Yue Villa.But she has been to many manors before, so she knows the design of those manors roughly.

This dungeon would never be designed in such a remote place, because in this case, it would be easy for others to dig a tunnel from the outside and then take the people in the prison away.

Therefore, this dungeon should be built in a place that is not too remote and where it is not easy for people outside to save people.Of course, this difficulty also includes digging tunnels.

"Aren't you going to the dungeon? This is the way to the dungeon." Ye Qingquan glanced at Sheng Fenghua and said.

"It seems that you don't want to tell me the truth, and you don't want to take me to the dungeon. If that's the case, then I won't be polite to you."

As Sheng Fenghua said, the silver needle in his hand was pulled out abruptly, and then pierced towards another acupuncture point on his body.

As soon as the silver needle plunged into Ye Qingquan's body, he screamed.That voice did not know how painful and miserable it was.

His sudden cry startled the men in black who were following them, and they pulled out their guns and pointed at Sheng Fenghua.

Looking at the pistols pointed at him, Sheng Fenghua's face was very gloomy, and the silver needle in his hand moved forward a little, and said coldly: "Ye Qingquan, I warned you not to play tricks. But If you don't listen, then don't blame me."

"Stop, stop, stop, I'll take you there." Ye Qingquan couldn't bear it anymore, so he had to compromise with Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua took back the silver needle, and then said: "It's good to be like this early, I have to suffer some hardships, really."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not lie to you again this time." Ye Qingquan lowered his head while talking, and suppressed the hatred in his eyes.

It was he who underestimated Sheng Fenghua, thinking that as a woman, even if she had some skills, it was insignificant.But I don't want to, she is not only capable, but also cruel.The silver needle was pricked as soon as it was said, and it was not she who dared to prick it, so it doesn't matter.

"Let's go!" Sheng Fenghua spoke, Ye Qingquan stepped up again, but changed the direction directly.

Sure enough, Sheng Fenghua's judgment was not wrong, the dungeon was not here at all, but in another direction.Because of the previous one, Ye Qingquan learned to behave himself, and he didn't dare to show any more demon moths, so he honestly took her to the dungeon.

The design of the dungeon in the villa is very ordinary, and there is nothing high-tech.Outside the dungeon, several people were guarding.

When they saw Ye Qingquan coming, they shouted respectfully: "Master!"

"Open the cell door." Ye Qingquan ordered.One of them was about to open the cell door, but didn't want to turn his head to look, and found Sheng Fenghua behind Ye Qingquan.

(End of this chapter)

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