ace warm marriage

Chapter 1037 Arriving in G City for the First Time

Chapter 1037 Arriving in G City for the First Time ([-])
"Talk to Uncle Ye for me, I'll go see him tomorrow." Gu Letian suddenly ordered.Ye Motang suddenly had a wife and daughter, he wanted to see if it was that person.

If it was that person, then how did she get out?
How could Ye Motang meet him?

Or did the people over there betray the Gu family and release that woman?
Gu Shaoyang didn't think much about it, and after hearing Gu Letian's words, he agreed.He originally planned to hold a banquet for Ye Motang the next day.

So, at a later date, he had to go to Ye's house again to ask for his opinion.

When Gu Shaoyang returned to the company, Lin Feng had already returned to the company first, and announced that the chairman, Ye Motang, had returned and was about to go to work.

Hearing this news, some people are happy and others are worried.Those veterans who followed Ye Motang to fight in the country were naturally happy.But those who had just been promoted to important positions by Gu Shaoyang couldn't help worrying.

Therefore, after Gu Shaoyang returned to the company, many people went to his office to inquire about countermeasures.

Looking at the subordinates he had raised and the worried expressions on their faces, Gu Shaoyang was in a bad mood.What they were worried about was exactly what he was worried about.

But as the general manager, no matter how worried he was, he couldn't show it.Not only that, but he had to reassure people.

"Don't worry everyone, the chairman is back, but everyone knows his health. So don't worry, even if the chairman will go to work, it won't be long."

Gu Shaoyang's words gave everyone a reassurance, and made everyone's restless hearts settle down.

After dismissing everyone, Gu Shaoyang was not in the mood to work.He didn't believe that Ye Motang's illness was cured, so he planned to find a way to ask him to go to the hospital for an examination to see if he was really cured.

Thinking so, Gu Shaoyang took out his phone and called the attending doctor who had treated Ye Motang.He knew that the attending doctor's temper was that the other party was a bit arrogant and looked down on others.

Therefore, when he told the doctor that Ye Motang's illness was cured, the other party didn't believe it at all, and said loudly, "Impossible!"

"Doctor Huang, how can it be impossible? I just came out of Ye's house. Uncle Ye looks very good, and he seems to be several years younger. And he told me himself that the disease has been cured."

"I do not believe!"

"If you don't believe me, you can call him yourself, and you will know if you ask."

"Okay, I'll call him myself." Dr. Huang hung up the phone after finishing speaking.He didn't believe Gu Shaoyang's words at all, he wanted to confirm it himself.

Ye Motang's illness was not incurable by him alone. Almost all the experts in the hospital gathered to discuss his illness.

According to the situation at the time, Ye Motang had at most two years to live.It has been more than a year now, and he should be terminally ill at this time.

But Gu Shaoyang told him that Ye Motang's illness was cured, and he wouldn't believe it even if he was killed.

So, after hanging up on Gu Shaoyang's phone, he called Ye Motang directly, asking him to go to the hospital for an examination to see if it was as Gu Shaoyang said.

However, the time of his call was unlucky, Ye Motang was resting, so the phone was turned off.

Dr. Huang couldn't get through the phone, and Dr. Huang was a little irritable. Even when he went to make rounds, his face was cold.

Sheng Fenghua got up after resting for two hours.After leaving the room, she was a little embarrassed to see her parents who got up earlier than her.

(End of this chapter)

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