ace warm marriage

Chapter 1038 Arriving in G City for the First Time

Chapter 1038 Arriving in City G for the First Time ([-])
She felt that she was lazy with her parents.

"Dad, Mom, why didn't you take a rest?"

"Your father couldn't sleep, so he said he wanted to take us out for a walk." Ye Qingge said with a smile. For some reason, it seemed that since she reunited with Ning Minglie and his wife, she was very motivated and passionate no matter what she did.

"Really? That's great!" Sheng Fenghua showed a smile on his face. Even if Ning Minglie didn't take them out, she planned to go out for a stroll.

At the very least, she had to go to Song Ning to see if the place where they lived had been arranged.

In the future, they will stay here for a long time, so it is impossible to stay in the hotel all the time.Of course, it wasn't that she was reluctant to spend money.But staying in a hotel is not so convenient, it is better to find a fixed place to live.

Even if they go to live in the villa, she will not have any objection.

The family of three packed up, changed their clothes, and went out.The driver was the Ye family's driver, who was also considered a housekeeper, and his surname was Liu.

After Liu Butler asked where Ning Minglie was going, he started the car directly.

The car didn't drive for a long time and stopped.Sheng Fenghua got out of the car and took a look, only to find that this place was not far from where they lived, and it also belonged to the Yunlong Lake Scenic Area.

"The scenery here is pretty good." Ye Qingge said after getting off the car, took a look.

"Let's go, over there, I'll take you to see the apricot blossoms." Ning Minglie smiled, took Ye Qingge's hand, and went to the ten-mile apricot blossom scenic spot.

The three of them walked a few steps before they saw a large expanse of pink apricot blossoms. At a glance, they were all pink.

"This is Ten Miles of Apricot Blossoms. The scenery is nice. I'll take a photo with your daughter later." Ning Minglie pointed to the large apricot blossom forest and said to Ye Qingge with a smile.

"Shili Xinghua, it looks so interesting." Sheng Fenghua took a look and said with a smile.Although it may not really be ten miles, but it seems to occupy a lot of land, there is still one or two miles
A family of three wandered around the apricot forest and took a lot of photos.Just as he was about to leave for the next scenic spot, Ning Minglie's cell phone rang.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Gu Shaoyang calling.

"Shaoyang, what's the matter?" Ning Minglie asked directly after connecting the phone.

"Uncle Ye, aren't you at home? I just arrived at your house and I didn't see you."

"Yeah, we're outside."

"Where are you, I'll go find you now."

"Okay, we're in Ten Mile Xinghualin."

After Ning Minglie hung up the phone, he saw his wife and daughter looking at him, so he smiled and said, "It's Shao Yang's call."

"He's coming here?"

"Yeah, this kid has always kissed me. Besides going to work, he often goes to sit at home. He didn't see us when he went home just now, so he called to ask."

"It can be seen that father, you appreciate him very much and like him very much."

"Indeed. Shaoyang is different from his brothers. Those brothers are devoted to politics. Only he is devoted to business, and he treats me very well."

"Understood!" Sheng Fenghua nodded, although Gu Shaoyang had plans for his father, but he still had his heart and gave his heart.

In this way, she has to be more careful.In case one fails, it will hurt my father's heart, and make enemies with Gu Shaoyang.Although she is her father's daughter, she has not been the one who has been filial to her father in the past 20 years.

After a while, Gu Shaoyang arrived.After he found Ning Minglie's family of three, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Uncle Ye, Auntie, Sister Fenghua, why did you come out for a stroll, why didn't you rest for a while?"

(End of this chapter)

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