ace warm marriage

Chapter 1056 Looking for Zhang Changzi

Chapter 1056

"No!" Sheng Fenghua shook his head, not wanting to tell him what he knew so quickly.

After all, it was Gu Shaoyang's welcome dinner for his family of three in the evening. If Ning Minglie knew the truth of the matter and changed his attitude towards the Gu family, it would easily arouse the vigilance of the Gu family.

"Really?" Ning Minglie obviously didn't believe it. He felt that there must be something wrong, otherwise Sheng Fenghua wouldn't ask people to install a security system or tell others.

He felt that Sheng Fenghua was on guard against something, although he didn't feel the need to be on guard.He knew exactly what kind of person Gu Shaoyang was by his side all these years.

"Dad, really not, don't think too much about it."

"Okay, I don't think too much." Ning Minglie didn't ask any more questions, but looked at Ye Qingge and said with apologetic expression: "Qingge, I'm sorry for making you wronged."

"It's okay!" Ye Qingge shook his head, what Miss Gu's doing had nothing to do with him.However, she felt that it was necessary to remind her husband that it was better not to trust the Gu family too much.

Therefore, Ye Qingge looked at Ning Minglie and said seriously: "Minglie, although the Gu family has saved your life, I don't think we should get too close to the Gu family."

"What's wrong?" Ning Minglie was a little puzzled, looking at his wife.The Gu family wanted things for his company, and he knew it.But he didn't care, after all, the other party had saved his life.If there is no Gu family, there will be no Ning Minglie now.

What's more, he felt that the Gu family's idea of ​​his company was also because he had no children.Now that he has his own daughter, they should no longer have such thoughts.

"I can't tell, I just feel that something is wrong with the Gu family." Ye Qingge didn't have any evidence, but the woman's intuition told her that the Gu family should not be a good person.

Since they were not good people, how could they save Ning Minglie?You know, in the original situation, no one made a move.

But this ancient family made a move at that time, what does this mean?If it wasn't for the people of the Gu family who knew who the other party was, so they didn't pay attention to the other party at all, then the Gu family might be the person behind it.

All these years, she has been locked in the dungeon with nothing to do.There is a lot of time to think about the original thing over and over again, in order to find the flaws in it, so as to find out who is behind it.

In addition, she also used Ye Qingquan's words.Although Ye Qingquan didn't say it, he revealed that the villa was built by the person behind it.

Guyue Villa?

In the past, she hadn't connected the villa with the Gu family, she only thought that the villa was built in Gujia village, so it was called Gu Yue villa.

But now in G City, seeing the behavior of the Gu family, she couldn't help but think a little more.What if the Gu Yue Villa belonged to the Gu family?

So all in all, is the Gu family the mastermind behind the scenes, the real culprit?
Ning Minglie laughed after hearing Ye Qingge's words, reached out and patted the back of her hand, and said, "Qingge, don't think too much. This Gu Shaojia's behavior is a little bit different, but it doesn't mean that everyone in the Gu family is like this. There are also very good people in the Gu family, otherwise I would have died at the beginning and would not have lived till now."

Seeing that Ning Minglie did not have any suspicions against the Gu family, Ye Qingge stopped talking.She knew that it was useless to talk now.

 Thanks to Free Flying and Susu for their rewards, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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