ace warm marriage

Chapter 1057 Looking for Zhang Changzi

Chapter 1057

Even if they used to be a very loving couple, but after more than 20 years of separation, how much love is left?It is impossible for Ning Minglie to completely trust her as before.

Therefore, there are some things that she can point out as long as she can, and it will not be beautiful if she talks too much.

Sheng Fenghua sat aside and listened to his parents' conversation.Seeing that his father still had hope for the Gu family, he sighed slightly.

He secretly rejoiced that he didn't tell him what the Gu family did, otherwise he would definitely not believe it, and would think that he was sowing discord.

After Ning Minglie apologized to Ye Qingge, he directly called Gu Letian.

He and Gu Letian are friends and confidants.From the moment Gu Letian rescued him, he regarded him as his relative and brother.

Originally, he didn't have to tell the other party what happened to Gu Shaojia today.But Gu Shaojia bullied his wife and daughter, so he had to say a few words.

When the phone was connected, Ning Minglie told Gu Letian about what happened today, and also told Gu Letian what Gu Shaojia said.

After hearing Ning Minglie's words, Gu Letian was very annoyed.Of course, what annoyed him wasn't that Gu Shaojia bullied Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua, what annoyed him was that she bullied them at this moment.

If at this time, Ning Minglie had a view on the Gu family and had a rift, then what he had to do would be much more difficult.

Fortunately, Ning Minglie's tone did not annoy the Gu family because of this, and they still regarded him as the eldest brother.Otherwise, I wouldn't have made this call on purpose.

Gu Letian apologized to Ning Minglie on the phone and reassured him that he would definitely give Ye Qingge an explanation.

After hanging up Ning Minglie's call, Gu Letian directly called Gu Shaojia and told her to go home.

Besides, Gu Shaojia, after Sheng Fenghua and the others left, he didn't go back immediately, but took his elder brother Gu Shaoyang to sit down and drink coffee.

She sat across from her brother, looked at him with a bad expression, and said, "Brother, why didn't you help me teach that bitch a lesson?"

Gu Shaoyang frowned after hearing what his sister said, and said coldly: "Xiao Jia, you have to change your temper. What a bitch, that's Uncle Ye's daughter. You should be more polite to others in the future."

"Big brother, you are still not my big brother. It's fine if you didn't help me before, but now you will train me for that woman."

"Why am I not your big brother?" Gu Shaoyang glanced at his younger sister angrily, and said, "If I wasn't your big brother, would I have helped you before? You don't even think about it. In order to help you, Uncle Ye is right I have an opinion."

"What can he say? His life was saved by his father. If there is no father, he would have died a long time ago. He is still there today to show me the story of the elders, and I don't think about it. what would it be like."

"Xiaojia, how did you talk?" Gu Shao became angry and yelled at Gu Shaojia.He knows more things than Gu Shaojia, and he knows better than Gu Shaojia what is going on with this life-saving grace.

"Brother, what are you yelling about? I'm not wrong? Could it be that his father didn't save him? Or is it because of the Gu family that he can achieve what he is today?"

"Xiaojia, shut up. It seems that we have spoiled you, so you don't care about the seriousness of what you say." Gu Shaoyang's face sank, but fortunately there was no one else here.

Otherwise, if others heard about it, or if Ye Motang found out about it, I don't know how much trouble it would cause.

(End of this chapter)

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