ace warm marriage

Chapter 1059 Looking for Zhang Changzi

Chapter 1059 Finding the Field ([-])

"Shopping? You can use the banner of the Gu family to bully people with bodyguards?"

Sure enough, I guessed right.

Gu Shaojia scolded the whistleblower thousands of times in his heart, but his face looked like I was wrong, and he whispered: "Dad, I know I was wrong!"

"I know I'm wrong?" Gu Letian looked at his daughter with a cold face, and didn't scold her much, but confessed: "In that case, you will go to Ye's house with me tonight and ask your Uncle Ye Apologize to Aunt Ye. No matter what method you use, I will make them forgive you."

If he didn't give an attitude about today's matter, then Ye Motang would definitely feel uncomfortable, and thus have some opinions on him as the eldest brother.

As a result, it is somewhat difficult to complete the task assigned to him by the superior.After all, now he doesn't know whose hands the thing is in.Therefore, it is still necessary to establish a good relationship with the three members of the Ye family.

"Dad, I..." Gu Shaojia's face changed, and he wanted to refuse.But as soon as he touched Gu Letian's gloomy eyes, he could only swallow the words that came to his mouth.

"Go down!" Gu Letian waved his hand, letting Gu Shaojia leave.

Not long after Gu Shaojia left, Gu Shaoyang entered the study.He looked at his father and said, "Dad, do you really want your sister to go with you at night?"

"What if she doesn't go to the things she caused?"

"I'm worried she's going to screw things up."

"She dares! If things get messed up, I'll beat her to death."

After finishing speaking, Gu Letian looked at Gu Shaoyang and said, "By the way, you have been in contact with those two women, how do you feel?"

"Ye Qingge can't tell the depth. However, that Sheng Fenghua is not easy to get along with."

"Sheng Fenghua should be backed by someone, and her identity may not be simple."

"What should I do?"

"Test them first, and then look at the situation."

"What if the thing is in Sheng Fenghua's hands?"

"Then kill her!"


The father and son discussed for a while and reached a consensus before talking about other things.Now that Ye Motang is back, he will definitely take over the company's affairs.What Gu Letian meant was to let Gu Shaoyang speed up and take Ye Motang off as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

"Don't worry, father, I have already controlled 80.00% of Mrs. Ye, and I have already started to arrange the remaining [-]%. After this matter is over, Mrs. Ye will truly become our Gu family's."

"Father believes in your ability, but you still need to be careful of Ye Motang, he is not a fool. If he detects your intentions, he will be in trouble."

"Father, don't worry, I will be careful."

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon. After Ning Minglie's family packed up, they went to the banquet venue, the banquet hall of Ye's Company.

This is the reception banquet that Gu Shaoyang held for Ning Minglie, and also to celebrate his return.More than a year ago, Ning Minglie left the Ye family to recuperate from his illness. Now that he is back, he must let the employees and the whole G city know.

Although Lin Feng had made an announcement before, and Ning Minglie also attended the company's high-level meeting in the morning, not many people knew about it.

For this reason, this banquet invited not only the company's employees, but also cooperative manufacturers and government officials.

As the top leader of City G, Gu Letian personally attended the banquet, which made this banquet more and more attention-grabbing.

It was the first time for Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua to come to Ye's. Looking at the [-]-storey building in front of them and seeing the words 'Yip's Group' on the building, they were still a little shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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