ace warm marriage

Chapter 1060 Looking for Zhang Changzi

Chapter 1060 Get back the place (five)

Although I have read the information before, I know Ye's current situation.But when he actually saw the building in front of him, Sheng Fenghua was still very proud of his father.

"The company is really big!" Sheng Fenghua sighed, but Ning Minglie who was on the side laughed and said, "From now on, this will be yours."

After hearing this, Sheng Fenghua smiled and did not speak.According to the information she found, most of the Ye Group is already in the hands of Gu Shaoyang.

Only my father trusted Gu Shaoyang so much, and never doubted that he wanted to change Ye's name to Gu's.However, she didn't take it as a statement.

Take your time with some things.When the time comes, Ning Minglie will naturally know the true colors of Gu Shaoyang and the Gu family.

A family of three entered the lobby, and immediately an employee from the company greeted them, saying, "Hello, Director Ye!"

"Hi Dong Ye!"

Ning Minglie nodded to the person who greeted him, and then walked straight forward with Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua.He brought the two of them directly in front of the company's senior management and introduced them.

After hearing Ning Minglie's introduction, the people in the company were shocked.They always knew that their chairman had never been married and had no children in his life.

But now, a wife and daughter suddenly appeared, which shocked everyone.Some people even suspected that Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua went for Ning Minglie's property.

However, they wanted to return to their hearts, but they didn't show it on their faces. They all greeted Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua enthusiastically, calling Madam and Miss in their mouths.

Sheng Fenghua nodded lightly towards everyone, then turned to look for Song Ning.Today, Song Ning also came to the banquet.

Because, at the banquet later, Ning Minglie will announce something, besides introducing Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua to the politicians and celebrities in City G, he will appoint Song Ning as his special assistant.

Gu Shaoyang didn't know about this appointment yet, and Sheng Fenghua didn't let Ning Minglie tell him in advance.She was afraid that Gu Shaoyang would get in the way and even do something unfavorable to Song Ning.

"Sister-in-law!" Seeing Sheng Fenghua, Song Ning smiled.He arrived for a while, but there was no one he knew, so he was sipping wine alone while secretly observing the people attending the banquet.

Although, he didn't know any dignitaries and celebrities in City G.But before coming, I did some research.It has to be said that Ye's banquet invited almost all the big shots in G City.

Gu Letian was the last to arrive with his son and daughter. Whether it was his status as the Gu family or the fact that he is now the leader of City G, he attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared.

Everyone present came forward to greet him one by one, exchanging pleasantries.

After Gu Letian greeted everyone, he took his son and daughter and walked towards Ning Minglie and the others.

When Ning Minglie saw Gu Letian, he excused himself from the chatter, and brought Ye Qingge to greet him.


"Mo Tang!"

The two spoke at the same time, then looked at each other, Gu Letian said: "I haven't seen you for more than a year, Mo Tang, your complexion has become much better. It seems that this disease is recovering well."

"Thanks to Lotte, I have recovered from this disease."

After hearing this, Gu Letian was shocked.Although I heard it from my son before, I was still surprised when I actually saw Ye Motang and heard that he had recovered from his illness.

After all, no one knows Ye Motang's situation better than him.Not to mention his crippled body, but the poison on his body, no one except them from the Gu family should be able to cure it.

(End of this chapter)

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