ace warm marriage

Chapter 1065 Banquet Storm

Chapter 1065 Banquet Disturbance ([-])

The banquet has already begun, and it's time for them to be seated.

The mother and daughter walked towards the rostrum.At this time, the host had already stood on the rostrum and began to speak.

When the two arrived, they happened to hear the host say, "I invite Mr. Ye Motang, chairman of the Ye Group, to speak on stage."

With the sound of applause, Ye Motang stepped onto the stage.

Ye Motang first said the words of thanks, and then introduced Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua.When he introduced the two, Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua's mother and daughter walked up to the rostrum, stood with Ye Motang, and accepted everyone's gaze.

After introducing his wife and daughter, Ye Motang talked about his decision, which was to appoint Song Ning as the chairman's special assistant.

As soon as the appointment was announced, the members of the Ye Group were stunned.Especially those people at the top were even more surprised.Ye Motang didn't even mention this matter at the high-level meeting today, but he announced it here.

Everyone quickly figured it out, he was guarding against Gu Shaoyang.

Among so many Ye's employees, the one with the most complicated mood is Gu Shaoyang.He never thought that Ye Motang would be so guarded against him.

After Ye Motang made the announcement, Song Ning also stepped onto the stage, officially showing his face in front of everyone.

After Ye Motang finished speaking, the host announced the start of the banquet.

When Gu Shaojia and his two elder brothers came back from taking medicine, the banquet had already begun.The three of them didn't hear Ye Motang's speech, so they couldn't help but feel a little strange seeing their elder brother and father's faces look bad.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Gu Shaojia looked at Gu Shaoyang and asked.

"I'll talk about it later." After Gu Shaoyang said something, he cheered up and went to socialize.

Seeing him like this, the two brothers Gu Shaoping and Gu Shaofeng looked at each other, and then looked at their father.Gu Letian did not expect Ye Motang to do such a thing, so he was not in a good mood.

However, now that there are so many people, it is not the time to talk.So, he gave his sons a wink, and then took them to socialize.

Gu Shaojia watched his father and elder brother leave, and after winking with a waiter, he also left.

When Gu Shaojia left, the waiter walked towards Sheng Fenghua with the red wine.

Because Ye Motang announced the identities of Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua, many wives surrounded them and talked to them.

When the waiter walked up to Sheng Fenghua with the red wine, Sheng Fenghua just finished drinking the red wine in his hand.The waiter smiled at Sheng Fenghua, then picked up a glass of wine and handed it to Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua didn't think too much, took the wine with a smile, and prepared to take a sip.But when the wine was put to her mouth, she smelled a scent emanating from the wine.So, she lowered her face, turned her head and looked at him standing aside, looked at his waiter with a smile on her face, and said, "Please change a glass of wine for me."

"Miss Sheng, what's the matter?" A lady who was talking with Sheng Fenghua asked when she saw Sheng Fenghua's expression suddenly changed, and she was a little puzzled.

"It's nothing!" Sheng Fenghua smiled, and then handed the wine in his hand to the waiter.

Seeing the wine Sheng Fenghua handed back, the waiter's face changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down, and then changed Sheng Fenghua's glass of wine.

After changing, Sheng Fenghua put the wine on the tip of his nose and smelled it. After confirming that there was no addition, he drank it, and then talked with the ladies again.

However, when she turned around, she gave the person who secretly protected her a wink.

(End of this chapter)

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