ace warm marriage

Chapter 1066 Banquet Storm

Chapter 1066 Banquet Disturbance (V)

When the waiter was carrying the wine and was about to pour it out, he was caught straight.

Zhang Jianan took the waiter aside and began to interrogate.After a while, he found out who was behind the scenes.

Zhang Jianan locked up the waiter temporarily, and then went to find Sheng Fenghua.

Although Sheng Fenghua was talking with several wives, he was still paying attention to the progress of the matter.When she saw Zhang Jianan winking at her, she said 'excuse me' to the wives and walked towards Zhang Jianan.

"Sister-in-law, that kid has recruited."

"Who ordered it."

"Miss Gu."

"It seems that Miss Gu hates me very much."

"Sister-in-law, what are you going to do?"

"Use the way of a person to treat a person." Sheng Fenghua said something, Zhang Jianan nodded, and then went down to prepare to go.

After a while, the locked waiter was released, and then walked towards Gu Shaojia with red wine.

Seeing the waiter, Gu Shaojia thought he was here to report the situation to him.So he avoided his elder brother and walked aside with the waiter.

"How is it?" Gu Shaojia asked impatiently as soon as he stopped.

"That Miss Sheng didn't drink that glass of wine." The waiter told the truth, but Gu Shaojia was very annoyed. After glaring at him, he said, "How do you do things? You can't do this well, waste!"

"Miss Gu, what should we do next?" The waiter asked Gu Shaojia, while carefully handing the added wine to her.

Gu Shaojia got angry for a while, and he really felt a little thirsty.So, without thinking too much, he just took the wine and drank it.

The waiter watched Gu Shaojia drink the wine, his eyes flashed.Then while talking to her, he walked to the lounge where they had planned to plot against Sheng Fenghua.

After walking far, Gu Shaojia felt a little dizzy, she didn't think much about it, she just thought it was because she drank too much wine.

So, she said to the waiter: "You go to work, I will rest for a while."

"Okay, Miss Gu!" The waiter responded, then turned and left.When the waiter left, Gu Shaojia went to the lounge.

The further she walked, the more dizzy she felt.Fortunately, the lounge was just ahead, so she forced herself into the lounge.

As soon as he entered the rest, Gu Shaojia passed out and lost consciousness.

Half an hour had passed when the Gu family brothers discovered that their sister was missing.They looked around for Gu Shaojia, and finally called Gu Shaojia, but no one answered, which made them panic, and then secretly searched for her.

But at this moment, someone pushed open the door of the lounge and saw the scene inside, so he yelled.

In this way, those who heard the movement immediately went to the lounge.When I arrived at the door of the lounge, I looked at the screaming person and asked, "What's going on, what happened?"

"In, inside..." The man pointed to the lounge, but did not say a complete sentence.At this time, the person in charge of the banquet came and pushed open the door of the lounge.

Pushing open the door, the scene inside was exposed to everyone.

"God, how come?"

"Isn't that Miss Gu?" Somebody shouted, and immediately someone joined in and said, "It's Miss Gu!"

The Gu family brothers who came after them heard the words of the crowd, their expressions changed, and then they pushed through the crowd and glanced at the lounge.

When they saw that the person inside was their sister, their expressions became ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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