ace warm marriage

Chapter 1068 Exploring Fenghua

Chapter 1068 Exploring Fenghua ([-])

"Brother, don't worry about why. In short, whoever dares to touch people from our Gu family is our enemy. Besides, she was our enemy in the first place."

"Third brother, don't be impulsive!" After hearing this, Gu Shaoyang knew that the matter was not so simple, so he said: "That Sheng Fenghua is not a good person, we have to think long-term."

"What's the long-term plan?" Gu Shaofeng said indifferently, "This is the territory of our Gu family. She, a foreigner, dares not to take our Gu family seriously. She must not let her have a good time."

"Third brother, calm down first." Gu Shaoping also persuaded him. He also wanted to teach Sheng Fenghua a lesson, but he knew that his elder brother Gu Shaoyang was right.

This Sheng Fenghua had just arrived, and it was also the first time he appeared in Ye's Group, and he was able to plot against his sister. This person's ability and means cannot be underestimated.

Moreover, Sheng Fenghua had been in their sights before, so it was impossible for the other party to do it himself. She should have some helpers.

"Second brother, how do you make me calm down?" Gu Shaofeng was a little annoyed, he couldn't calm down at all when he thought that his beloved sister in his hands had suffered such a great insult and grievance.

"You can't calm down, you have to calm down." Gu Letian finally spoke, glanced at Gu Shaofeng and said: "We can't lose the big because of small things. The task assigned to us by the Patriarch has not been completed yet."

"After the task is completed, I will not block any way you want to avenge Xiao Jia."

After listening to Gu Letian's words, Gu Shaofeng finally calmed down.My father was right. At present, the most important thing is to complete the task.

Moreover, the head of the family has already promised them that as long as the task is completed, he and his brother will be transferred and promoted.

Thinking of this, Gu Shaofeng spoke again, and said, "Dad, who do you think is the most likely person to hold that thing in their family of three?"

However, Gu Letian did not answer right away, but looked at his sons and asked, "What do you think?"

Gu Shaoyang: "I don't think it should be on Ye Qingge's body."

Gu Shaoping: "I think so too."

Gu Shaofeng: "I see that thing may be on Sheng Fenghua's body."

"Why?" Gu Letian looked at his youngest son and asked.Although Gu Shaofeng is the youngest among the three brothers, he is the most sensitive.

When he looks at problems, he can often hit the nail on the head and discover the essence.This is why he is the youngest but the most accomplished one.

Among the three, he was the latest to enter the officialdom, but he was the one who rose the fastest.

"Father, do you still remember Sheng Fenghua's identity?"

Without waiting for Gu Letian's answer, Gu Shaoyang answered directly, and said, "Is there any need to ask? Isn't she the daughter of Uncle Ye, the chairman of Shengshi Pharmaceutical?"

"That's right, she is the chairman of Shengshi Pharmaceutical. Brother thinks, why can she be the chairman, because of her youth, or because of her beauty?"

"This?" Gu Shaoyang was speechless, he never thought deeply about this question.He just guessed that Shengfeng Huaneng may be the chairman of Shengshi Pharmaceutical because there are people behind him.

Seeing that Gu Shaoyang was speechless, Gu Shaofeng continued to ask: "Brother, do you still remember that you once said that Ye Motang's illness was cured by Sheng Fenghua?"

"Of course I remember. Uncle Ye said, if it wasn't for Sheng Fenghua, he would have to go see King Hades."

"That's it, how old is she, how can she cure Ye Motang's illness?"

Gu Shaoyang looked at Gu Shaofeng and asked, "What does the third brother mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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