ace warm marriage

Chapter 1069 Exploring Fenghua

Chapter 1069 Exploring Fenghua ([-])

"I guess that treasure has played a role, otherwise, how could she, a girl in her twenties, have such a powerful disease that even experts can't cure, but she cured it?"

"How about we try it?"

"How to try?"

"Let's find someone to try."

"I think this method will work." Gu Letian glanced at his sons and agreed to the proposal.

"Father, there is no need to look for this person. I went by myself, and I will test her myself." Gu Shaoyang thought for a while and said.

"Why?" Gu Shaoping asked. It's not easy for the Gu family to find someone, so why did they go by themselves?

"I think Sheng Fenghua and the others are already suspecting that I poisoned them. If I want to dispel the suspicion, I must be poisoned myself."

Gu Letian thought about it, and felt that Gu Shaoyang's words were reasonable.What Ye Motang did today was already wary of Gu Shaoyang.This also means that he no longer trusts Gu Shaoyang.

So something had to be done to regain his trust.And poisoning is the best way, which can easily dispel Ye Motang's suspicion.

"Brother, but the poison is chronic. If it is found that you are only poisoned now, you will still be suspected."

"Don't worry, I've been poisoned a long time ago, but it's not as serious as Uncle Ye." Gu Shaoyang laughed. When he poisoned Ye Motang before, he was actually poisoned too, but every once in a while Time will take antidote.

It's just that the medicine can't completely detoxify the body, it just prevents the toxicity from spreading and aggravating it.

"What, brother, how could you do this?" Gu Shaofeng was shocked after hearing Gu Shaoyang's words.

"It's okay, I have a sense of proportion." Gu Shaoyang smiled, and then said to Gu Letian: "I'll go to Ye's house and pretend to be poisoned. It happens that Sheng Fenghua is at home, Uncle Ye should let her take a look for me .”

"Well, be careful yourself. Once you are sure that Sheng Fenghua is that person, then Ye Motang and Ye Qingge will be useless. You know what to do."

"Father, don't worry. Useless people don't deserve to live in this world." Gu Shaoyang's expression was cruel, completely different from his original appearance.

"It's good that you understand!" After hearing Gu Shaoyang's words, Gu Letian was very pleased.He has always been worried that Gu Shaoyang would not bear to do anything because he developed feelings for Ye Motang because he got too close.

"I'm from the Gu family." Gu Shaoyang looked serious, and he always remembered that he was from the Gu family.Since it is an ancient family, it is natural to put the interests of the family first.

"Very good!" Gu Letian looked at his son appreciatively, reached out and patted his shoulder, and said, "Then you go. If there is anything, remember to tell us, don't forget that we are your relatives."

"I see." Gu Shaoyang nodded, then got up and left Gu's house, driving to Ye's house.

Sheng Fenghua and others had already returned home, Ye Motang called Sheng Fenghua into the study, and the father and daughter talked about their hearts.

"Fenghua, tell me honestly, is there something you are hiding from me?" Ning Minglie looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked seriously.

Ning Minglie is not a fool, what happened at the banquet today gave him an illusion.I feel that Sheng Fenghua seems to be interested in the ancient family.

He didn't know why Sheng Fenghua did this, so he wanted to know the reason.

To be honest, he had just met Sheng Fenghua not long ago, so he didn't know her very well.But he knew that Sheng Fenghua would not harm him.

(End of this chapter)

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