ace warm marriage

Chapter 1070 Exploring Fenghua

Chapter 1070 Exploring Fenghua ([-])

However, he didn't want to be kept in the dark, he wanted to know why.I want to know why Sheng Fenghua did this, and whether there is something hidden from them.

Sheng Fenghua did not answer Ning Minglie's words immediately, but asked, "Father, what kind of family do you think the Gu family is?"

"Strong and domineering, unreasonable, superior." Ning Minglie blurted out a few words without even thinking about it.

This ancient family is in this city of G, or in the entire province of G.

"Then why does father think that such a family would save you?" Sheng Fenghua asked back, what happened at the banquet today will definitely react to the Gu family, so they have to be on guard.

For this reason, Sheng Fenghua felt that it was necessary to bring up some questions that Ning Minglie had never thought about, so that he could think about it for himself.

In order not to be sold by others, I will count the money for others.

"This?" Ning Minglie was startled, speechless.He never thought about it.For a long time, he remembered that when he was about to die, it was Gu Letian who took the risk to rescue him, and spent money to send him abroad for plastic surgery.

After returning from plastic surgery, it was Gu Letian who lent him money to start a business again.Therefore, in his impression, no matter what the Gu family's reputation outside is, or how it treats others, it treats him too well.

For this reason, no matter how tyrannical and domineering the Gu family is, he never thought of alienating them.He always remembered the kindness of saving his life, and even thought that if he was gone one day, he would give Mrs. Ye to the Gu family, which would be regarded as repaying Gu Letian for saving him.

Sheng Fenghua didn't rush him, but quietly waited for him to figure it out.In the past, Ning Minglie didn't think about it because no one mentioned him.

Now, once Sheng Fenghua reminded him, he couldn't help but think about that.

Sheng Fenghua was right, how could someone from the Gu family not ask for anything in return?Moreover, he was in that situation at that time, and whoever got in touch with him would be unlucky.

Others were afraid to avoid it, why did Gu Letian take the initiative to step forward.Moreover, he saved him, but nothing happened.

"You mean..." Ning Minglie thought for a while, then looked up at Sheng Fenghua, and said, "Fenghua, do you know something?"

Sheng Fenghua glanced at his father, and then said, "Father, wait for me."

After finishing speaking, she got up and left the study. After a while, she carried her computer over and opened the email.

"Father, look at this." Sheng Fenghua turned the computer in one direction and let Ning Minglie look at it by himself.That was some information about Gu Yue Villa that Si Zhan Bei had passed on before.

Ning Minglie knew that Ye Qingge had been imprisoned in the dungeon of Guyue Mountain Villa, and secretly asked people to find out whose property it was.But they haven't found it yet, so they can only give up.

But now, Sheng Fenghua's information tells him that the Guyue Villa is not actually under the name of the Ye family, but a place specially built by the Gu family in Gujia Village to detain and supervise Shengjia Village and foreigners from Gujia Village. people's place.

After reading it, Ning Minglie couldn't calm down for a long time.His wife has been imprisoned for so long, but Gu Letian knew about it but never told him, which made him completely suspicious of Gu Letian.

He felt that Sheng Fenghua's suspicion was not groundless, Gu Letian saved him with an impure purpose.Of course, Ning Minglie naturally knew that he had nothing to gain.

(End of this chapter)

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