ace warm marriage

Chapter 1075 Intentionally targeting

Chapter 1075 Intentionally targeting ([-])

Si Zhanbei started the car and headed for the hospital.There were relatively few cars on the road at night, and the group arrived at the hospital in only about twenty minutes.

Ning Minglie is quite familiar with the city's No. 1 civilian hospital, so he directly contacted the director of the hospital as soon as he arrived, and asked him to arrange someone to examine Gu Shaoyang.

Gu Shaoyang was taken for an examination, and he called Gu Letian to tell him about Gu Shaoyang's illness.Gu Letian knew about Gu Shaoyang's plan a long time ago, and when he heard that he was sick, he still pretended to be very worried, and said, "What, Shaoyang is sick? Where is it? I'll rush over."

After hanging up Gu Letian's phone call, Ning Minglie looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Fenghua, Shaoyang really just ate something bad?"

It's no wonder that Ning Minglie was suspicious, in fact, he had this situation before.However, the hospital searched and checked later, but nothing was found.

He didn't know he had been poisoned until much later.He was suspecting that Gu Shaoyang had also been poisoned by the same poison as himself.

Although, until now, he has not found out how the poison on his body was poisoned.If Gu Shaoyang was also poisoned, it is likely that something went wrong at home.

If that's the case, then he suspected the wrong person before.Not long ago, when Sheng Fenghua told him that the Gu Yue Villa belonged to the Gu family, he began to wonder whether the poison in his body could be caused by Gu Shaoyang.

Now, he was a little shaken, and felt that he might have thought too much.

Sheng Fenghua didn't know what Ning Minglie was thinking, she and Si Zhanbei looked at each other, then walked aside and whispered to her ear.

"Zhanbei, people from the Gu family are probably going to attack me."

"What's going on?" Si Zhanbei asked with a serious face.

"I won't be able to tell for a while. I will tell you in detail when I go back. But Gu Shaoyang is probably trying to test me, because I detoxified my father before. Now, Gu Shaoyang has the exact same drug as his father. poison."

"They suspect you?"


The two were talking when a sound of footsteps came.Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei looked up and saw several doctors in white coats walking towards them.

Before he could figure out what was going on, those hospitals surrounded Ning Minglie.

"Ye Dong, I heard that your health is completely recovered?" The director of the hospital spoke first, looked Ning Minglie up and down, and saw that his complexion was really good, and it was impossible to tell that he was someone who had been ill. , So the heart became more and more shocked.

Before, when Ning Minglie called him, Dr. Wang, who used to be Ning Minglie's attending doctor, was also there. He had always wanted to find a chance for Ning Minglie to come back to the hospital for a checkup to see if he was as good as Shao Gu. As Yang said, the disease has been cured.

However, Ning Minglie never agreed, saying that he didn't have time.

Now, I heard that he came to the hospital unexpectedly, how could Dr. Wang let go of this opportunity, so he told the dean about his recovery.

When the dean heard this, he was also very curious, so he brought some doctors who had consulted Ning Minglie with him.

If he was still a little skeptical at the beginning, then at this moment, seeing Ning Minglie's expression, he completely believed that his illness was cured.

"That's right!" Ning Minglie nodded, although he was a little puzzled by the sudden arrival of so many people, he still answered his question with a smile.

"Ye Dong, our hospital wants to give you another comprehensive examination to make sure that you are really fully recovered. I wonder if you are willing?" Before the dean could speak again, Dr. Wang couldn't wait to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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