ace warm marriage

Chapter 1076 Intentionally targeting

Chapter 1076 Intentionally targeting ([-])

Even though he had seen Ning Minglie himself, he could also see that his health was improving.But he still doesn't believe it, he thinks eyes can be deceiving.But the machine is different, whether it is really good or not is clear at a glance.

More importantly, he felt jealous towards the doctor who cured Ning Minglie.He felt that he came back from abroad, and his medical skills have always been superb.But the patients he couldn't cure were cured by others.

He was a little unconvinced and didn't want to admit that others were better than him.

After hearing Dr. Wang's words, the dean gave him a displeased look, but didn't say much.

In fact, he also had this idea to some extent, and asked Ning Minglie to do another inspection to see if it was really healed.

No, Ning Minglie shook his head with a smile after hearing this, and said, "No need, I know my physical condition. Besides, the doctor who treated me before has already checked me to make sure that my condition is The body is completely healed."

Dr. Wang was a little unhappy when he heard Ning Minglie's words, and persuaded him: "Ye Dong, I didn't say that there are many scammers these days. I think it's better for you to check it out. Who knows if the other party only treated the symptoms? But there is no cure. Just like some current anti-cancer drugs, the patient’s spirit will suddenly improve after taking it, but over time, the patient’s body will become weaker and weaker.”

As soon as these words came out, Ning Minglie's expression turned ugly.Sheng Fenghua who was standing on the side was also very annoyed. If the other party just doubted her medical skills, it would be fine.

But those words he said were simply cursing Ning Minglie.This is absolutely intolerable.

"Doctor, do you mean yourself by the liar you speak of?"

As soon as Sheng Fenghua opened his mouth, he attracted everyone's attention.After hearing his words, the doctors turned their heads.When they saw that it was a young girl who spoke, their faces were filled with displeasure.

Dr. Wang is the chief doctor of their hospital, and he belongs to the extreme category of experts.Sheng Fenghua said that Dr. Wang lied to you, isn't that the same as talking about them?

They are quite old, but they are called liars by a little girl. It's no wonder they are in a good mood.If you are in a bad mood, your complexion will naturally be bad.

Especially that Dr. Wang was furious after hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, and said, "Where did you come from, a yellow-haired girl who dared to call me a liar? You don't even inquire about it, how many people have been cured by my Wang?" patient."

"Really?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, with a look of contempt in his eyes, and said: "As far as I know, Dr. Wang should have been my father's attending doctor, right? But have you cured his illness? no."

"Since you didn't cure his illness, what qualifications do you have to say here about the person who cured my father's illness?"

"Your father? Since when have I been your father's attending doctor? Damn girl, I advise you to stop talking nonsense here, or I will let the security guard kick you out soon." Dr. Wang stared fiercely at Sheng Fenghua , he had no idea that the 'father' Sheng Fenghua was talking about was Ning Minglie.

He thought Sheng Fenghua was a troublesome brat who ran out from somewhere.

"I'm talking nonsense?" Sheng Fenghua sneered, pointed at Ning Minglie, and said, "My father is standing here, don't you see?"

"What?" Doctor Wang was stunned, looked at Ning Minglie and asked, "Ye, Director Ye, is she your daughter?"

"That's right!" Ning Minglie nodded, his eyes were a little cold.

(End of this chapter)

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