ace warm marriage

Chapter 1077 Intentionally targeting

Chapter 1077 Intentionally Targeting ([-])

This doctor Wang has always been arrogant, he knows it.It's just that the other party did have some skills, so he tolerated it.But today he not only questioned Sheng Fenghua's medical skills, but also alluded to his body's gold and jade on the outside, but the inside on the inside, which didn't make him a little annoyed.

He knows exactly how his body is.After Sheng Fenghua's conditioning, his body has recovered.

But the doctor Wang in front of him cursed him just because he didn't agree to the examination, it was really hateful.

Seeing Ning Minglie nodding, Doctor Wang's face became a little embarrassed.After a long time, Sheng Fenghua turned out to be Ning Minglie's daughter.

Isn't he childless?Why did he suddenly have an extra daughter? Could it be an adopted daughter?But it's not right, he has been staying in G city for these years, and he didn't hear that Ning Minglie had an adopted daughter?

It's no wonder that Dr. Wang didn't know. It's just that the report tonight hasn't come out yet, so he doesn't know that Ning Minglie has a wife and daughter at all.

"Ye, Dong Ye, I'm sorry, I didn't know this girl was your daughter." Dr. Wang quickly came to his senses, and apologized to Ning Minglie.

Although his medical skills are indeed good, he still has some fears towards Ning Minglie.After all, Ning Minglie is the chairman of the Ye Group, and has always been on good terms with the Gu family.

"Those who don't know are innocent, so I'm sorry." Ning Minglie looked at Dr. Wang coldly, and said, "However, the doctor that Dr. Wang questioned just now is also my daughter."

"What, what?" Dr. Wang suspected that he had heard it wrong. How talented is Sheng Fenghua that he can see a doctor?Moreover, the patients who declared them as incurable were cured?
This is not a lie, is it?

But looking at the expression on Ning Minglie's face, it didn't look like he was lying.Could it be that his medical skills are not as good as a girl with no hair yet?
Dr. Wang is a little incompetent.

Not only him, but also the dean and other doctors who came with him could not accept it.So, the dean looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked, "Miss Ye, I don't know which hospital you worked in?"

"You must have heard of Yang's Hospital, right? I used to work there for a while. As for where I am now, please forgive me for not being able to tell you. If you don't believe me, you can directly call the director of Yang's Hospital , I believe he will be happy to explain to you."

Sheng Fenghua didn't hide it, and reported the Yang's Hospital where he used to work.

When the dean heard about Yang's Hospital, his face changed slightly.This Yang's hospital is still very famous in their line of work.Many people want to work in Yang's Hospital, because it not only pays well, but also gathers many elites in the medical field.

"I didn't expect Ms. Ye to work in Yang's Hospital. I'm disrespectful and disrespectful." The dean's expression changed instantly when he looked at Sheng Fenghua.

Thinking of what Ning Minglie said just now, he asked curiously: "I don't know how Ms. Ye cured Lingtang's illness. To be honest, Lingtang's illness was very serious, and his body was devastated. Powerful, and there is an unknown virus on his body, which has been eating away at his body."

"The dean wants to know how I treat the disease?" Sheng Fenghua looked at the dean with a half-smile, and said, "I'm not a doctor in your hospital, so there should be no need to report to the dean, right?"

"Miss Ye, I don't mean anything else. It's just that you know that as a doctor, the more experience you accumulate, the more patients' lives you can save. So, I ask Miss Ye to consider that we are colleagues. Let me teach you."

(End of this chapter)

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