ace warm marriage

Chapter 1086 Forced her to detoxify

Chapter 1086 Forced her to detoxify ([-])

"Then what should we do? Now she refuses to see a doctor for elder brother, and we can't be sure whether the thing is in her hands or not."

Gu Letian was also worried, but the owner only gave them half a month.

If the item cannot be found within half a month, someone else will be sent to perform the task.

At that time, the days of their father and son will be difficult.

How to do it?

For a while, neither father nor son had any good ideas. If it was someone else, they would just threaten them directly.But now, Sheng Fenghua was obviously not threatened at all.Moreover, once they threatened her to treat Gu Shaoyang, it was easy for her to catch him.

They didn't want to be caught by Sheng Fenghua or be wary of them before the matter was completed.

"I think we can only start with Ye Motang. He has feelings for your elder brother and has always regarded your elder brother as his son. It is impossible for him to watch your elder brother go on like this."

"For the time being, that's all we can do, but we have to put some pressure on him."

"Do you have any good ideas?"

"Father, let the doctor who treats elder brother exaggerate his illness, and then just let Ye Motang hear it. In this way, without us doing anything, he will find Sheng Fenghua to treat elder brother himself."

"Fine, that's what we'll do."

"Okay, I'll call my second brother in a while."

"By the way, our informant came to report that Sheng Fenghua did not return to Ye's house at night. Father, do you think he sent some people into Ye's house to investigate the situation?"

"Forget it. It's so important that Sheng Fenghua can't take it around. It's likely to stay at her home in City A. The Patriarch has sent someone there, but they haven't found it yet."

Gu Letian and Gu Shaoyang and his son talked for a long time before returning to their rooms to rest.

No.1 civilian hospital in G city, advanced ward.Gu Shaoyang woke up shortly after everyone left, then glanced at his younger brother who was guarding the bed, and asked, "Why didn't you go back?"

"Brother, who will take care of you when I go back? Could it be that you want Ye Motang to see that it's tricky?" Gu Shaoping heard Gu Shaoyang's words, looked up at him, and said.

It is said that you have to do a full set of plays, otherwise how can you deceive others?
Gu Shaoyang stopped talking, thought for a while and asked, "What's their reaction?"

"Brother, are you asking Ye Motang or Sheng Fenghua?"

"Ask them all!"

"Ye Motang was very worried about you, and said he wanted his daughter to see you. As for Sheng Fenghua, she left without entering the ward. It seems that she knows something."

"It seems that my test failed this time." Gu Shaoyang was a little frustrated. He thought that he would be able to test the depth of Sheng Fenghua and find out whether she had that treasure by himself.

But she didn't want to, she wasn't fooled at all.

In this way, how can they be sure that the thing is on her body?
"Brother, don't worry. Sheng Fenghua is not willing, and Ye Motang is willing. With the importance and love he has for elder brother, he will definitely not sit idly by."

"Shaoping, you are too optimistic. Sheng Fenghua is his daughter, how could he embarrass his daughter for me?"

"Brother, you are wrong. Ye Motang has always regarded you as his son, and he will let Sheng Fenghua agree."

"Really? Let's try and see."

The two brothers talked for a while, and Gu Shaoyang drank some water before lying down to rest again.Needless to say, when the poison occurs, it is still quite painful.

Although his body was strong, he was still a bit listless after being tortured by the pain.

 Thanks for the reward of flying freely!

(End of this chapter)

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