ace warm marriage

Chapter 1087 Forced her to detoxify

Chapter 1087 Forced her to detoxify ([-])

Thinking that he would have to endure another wave of pain tomorrow, he decided to rest first before talking.

Gu Shaoping watched Gu Shaoyang rest, and then went out to answer a phone call.It was Gu Shaofeng who called. He told Gu Shaoping what the father and son had discussed, and asked him to find a doctor for a scene.

After listening to Gu Shaoping's words, the doctor was very willing to cooperate.Because he also wanted to see what the doctor who cured Ye Motang's disease looked like.

He had heard before that it was a young girl, Ye Motang's daughter, but unfortunately she didn't go to Gu Shaoyang's ward, so he couldn't see her.

After discussing with the doctor, Gu Shaoping went back to rest.

The next day, Ye Motang woke up early, went to a porridge shop in G City, bought Gu Shaoyang's favorite chicken porridge, and headed to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, it was almost eight o'clock, which happened to be the time for the doctor to go to work and make ward rounds.

Before entering the ward, he heard what the doctor said.

"Young Master Gu, your condition is a bit complicated, we have no other way. You should transfer to another hospital as soon as possible, otherwise, if the pain continues, even the painkillers may not be effective for you."

"Doctor, what do you mean?" Gu Shaoping's voice.

"Second Young Master Gu, what I mean is that First Young Master Gu's condition has worsened. You should find a way, otherwise it will be dangerous if you procrastinate."

"Thank you doctor, I understand what you mean."

"Okay, let's go to other places to check the room first."

Not long after, the doctor came out with his assistants and nurses, saw Ye Motang standing by the door, and greeted him with a smile.

Ye Motang carried the porridge into the ward with a heavy heart, glanced at Gu Shaoyang who looked more haggard than yesterday, and was very troubled in his heart.

He knew that Sheng Fenghua could cure Gu Shaoyang's illness, but Sheng Fenghua didn't go home at all last night, and he didn't have a good talk with Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing Gu Shaoyang like this now, he couldn't sit still.

"Uncle Ye, you're here!" Seeing Ye Motang, Gu Shaoping smiled and greeted him.It's just that the smile was a little far-fetched and a little bitter.

Gu Shaoyang, who had his eyes closed, opened his eyes after hearing Gu Shaoping's words, saw Ye Motang standing in front of the bed, and said, "Uncle Ye, why are you here? Didn't you go to the company? Now I If you are sick, Uncle Ye will have to take care of the company's affairs."

"I have handed over the company's affairs to others. You don't have to worry, just get well and get well."

As soon as these words came out, Gu Shaoyang gave a wry smile, and said, "Uncle Ye, I think about it too. But the doctor said that my illness is the same as yours before, and it can't be cured at all."

"Who says it can't be cured? Isn't my illness cured? Don't listen to the doctor's nonsense, and don't think too much about it. Don't worry, Uncle Ye will definitely let someone cure your illness."

"Uncle Ye, but..."

Without waiting for Gu Shaoyang to finish speaking, Ye Motang directly interrupted: "No but!"

Afterwards, Ye Motang did not continue this topic, but brought out the porridge he brought, and said, "Come on, eat this porridge first, your favorite shredded chicken porridge."

"Thank you Uncle Ye!"

Gu Shaoyang sat up, took the porridge and ate it.Gu Shaoping watched and said to Ye Motang: "Uncle Ye, please help me take care of my eldest brother first, I'll go out to eat something."

"I also brought buns for you, let's eat here!" Ye Motang said, and then took out a box of buns from the bag beside him.

"Thank you, Uncle Ye!" Gu Shaoping thanked him, took the buns and ate them.

(End of this chapter)

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