ace warm marriage

Chapter 1088 Forced her to detoxify

Chapter 1088 Forcing Her to Detoxify ([-])

After Gu Shaoyang finished his porridge, Ye Motang didn't stay long and left soon.

As soon as he left, Gu Shaoping and Gu Shaoyang started talking.

"Brother, our plan has worked, and Ye Motang will definitely find Sheng Fenghua."

"Are you so confident?" Gu Shaoyang smiled, to be honest he wasn't even sure.For Ye Motang, he was indeed somewhat sincere, but more of it was false.

He has been worried that the other party will see it, so he is not sure about today's play.

"Sure. Brother, don't worry, Ye Motang will bring Sheng Fenghua to see you soon." Gu Shaoping said with determination.He had seen Ye Motang's expression clearly just now, and he couldn't be indifferent to his elder brother's illness.

Smiling, Gu Shaoping said again: "He probably already called Sheng Fenghua by now."

Besides, after Ning Minglie left the hospital, as Gu Shaoping said, he called Sheng Fenghua directly after leaving the hospital and asked her where she was.

"Is there something wrong?" Sheng Fenghua asked lightly, he actually understood why Ning Minglie called in his heart, but he just pretended to be confused.

"Fenghua, can you help Shaoyang's illness?" Ning Minglie hesitated before speaking.

"Father, what do you mean?" Sheng Fenghua didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"Fenghua, I think, if you can cure Shaoyang's disease, you should help him. After all, not every doctor can cure this disease. I don't want Shaoyang to end up being treated by the doctor like me. The notice says he won't live until three years. He's still young, and he still has a long way to go."

After being silent for a while, Sheng Fenghua suddenly asked, "Father, if one day you find out that everything is fake, will you regret it?"

"Fenghua, what do you mean?" Ning Minglie was startled, unable to react.He felt that Sheng Fenghua might be referring to something, and he also had some guesses about who she was talking about.But he still couldn't believe it in his heart, he felt that Gu Shaoyang would not lie to him.

"Forget it, I have something to do. I'll go there when I'm done." Sheng Fenghua hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

As for Ning Minglie, after hanging up the phone, he was stunned for a moment, then turned around to look at the hospital behind him, and walked towards the car.

Not long after he left, Gu Shaofeng came to replace Gu Shaoping.

"Big Brother, Second Brother, how are things going?"

"Third brother, don't worry, this Ye Motang has already been fooled, just wait for him to bring Sheng Fenghua here."

"However, this Sheng Fenghua may be more cunning, and he shouldn't be so easily fooled. We have to add fire."

"How to do?"

"Force her to act!"

"It seems that the third brother already has an idea."

"That's right, I've already made arrangements, and you'll know the result in the afternoon at the latest."

After Sheng Fenghua hung up Ning Minglie's call, he and Si Zhanbei left the hotel, and went to where Song Ning and the others lived.

When they got there, not only Zhang Jianan and the others were there, but also some strangers they didn't know.They were all found by Si Zhanbei in order to secretly protect her, Sheng Fenghua and his parents.

"Boss, sister-in-law!" Seeing the two, everyone greeted.

Si Zhanbei nodded towards everyone, then walked in and sat down on the chair.

"Last night, was there anything wrong with the Ye family?" Si Zhanbei asked.Last night, they didn't go back, and it was intentional.I want to see if people from this ancient family will take the opportunity to do something.

 I wish you a happy Valentine's Day!Ran Ran received flowers for the first time in her life, and felt a little complicated. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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