ace warm marriage

Chapter 1089 Forced her to detoxify

Chapter 1089 Forcing Her to Detoxify ([-])

Of course, people from the Gu family are not that stupid, and they definitely wouldn't kill people, at most they were just looking for things.

However, Si Zhanbei was a little surprised by the answers of his subordinates, but felt that it was reasonable.

I only heard the subordinates say: "Boss, we found that some people were following the target, but those people did not act, they were just following."

"We also found that some people were guarding the door of Ye's house, as if they were watching."

"Also, when Ye Motang went out, someone followed him."

"Where are our people, are you following?"

"Boss, don't worry, our people will follow. However, it is better for our people to follow Ye Dong directly, so that the safety factor will be higher."

"I'll figure it out."

While talking, a subordinate ran in and said, "Boss, sister-in-law, it's not good!"

"What's wrong?" Si Zhanbei frowned, looking at the person who spoke.

"Boss, look, this is today's newspaper, and the report is about sister-in-law."

"Really? Let me see what was reported?" Si Zhanbei unfolded the newspaper and glanced at it while talking.

Sure enough, the headline of the newspaper was Sheng Fenghua's photo, and the entire page was of her.

The first reports were still positive, but when they turned to the other side, there was an article titled "Know Your Grace, Don't Repay It, Talking about a Chairman's Daughter Disregarding the Son of His Father's Savior".

The article exaggerated Sheng Fenghua's miraculous medical skills and cured her of the disease that her father was sentenced to death by the doctor.But later, the son of her father's savior also got this disease, but she just stood by and didn't even look at it, let alone treat it.

Seeing this, Si Zhanbei's expression turned ugly, and anyone with a discerning eye could immediately see that the other party was talking about Sheng Fenghua.

Sheng Fenghua also saw this report, and couldn't help but sneered.She always knew that if the Gu family didn't force her to act, they would definitely not give up.

Now, they really did make a move, while asking Ye Motang to put pressure on her, seeing that she didn't listen to Ye Motang, they stretched out their hands to public opinion.

This Gu family is really scheming, but is she that scheming?
The Gu family gave her a slap, and she would naturally return it, otherwise she wouldn't be Sheng Fenghua.

"Fenghua, what do you think?" Si Zhanbei looked up at Sheng Fenghua and asked.

"Naturally, it is the way of the person, and the body of the person is treated. It doesn't make sense. If they beat people, we will suffer, right?"

"how do you want to do it!"

"Tomorrow, I will let everyone in the city know that the Gu family Xiao wants the Ye family's property. I want everyone in the city to know that Gu Shaoyang has one thing on the surface and another on the back. It is best to attach evidence so that everyone in the city Everybody knows."

Sheng Fenghua said with a cold face, the Gu family made the first move, so don't blame her for fighting back.

"Okay! I'll leave this matter to the people below. You don't have to wait until tomorrow, it's fine in the afternoon." Si Zhanbei laughed. This is his wife, a member of their Si family, and they can't suffer from anything. .

With Si Zhanbei's order, the noon newspaper in City G published the things Sheng Fenghua needed that day.

Seeing the newspaper, the people of the Gu family were naturally very angry.

When Gu Letian saw the report in the newspaper and the evidence, he immediately panicked. He immediately called Ye Motang and explained to him that this was someone else's slander and rumor, and he couldn't believe it.

Although Ye Motang believed in people from the Gu family and Gu Shaoyang, he was not a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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