ace warm marriage

Chapter 1090 Forced her to detoxify

Chapter 1090 Forcing Her to Detoxify ([-])

Those evidences are not for display, it is not easy to fake them.

Moreover, these things still appear after the morning paper.He suspected immediately that the matter had something to do with Sheng Fenghua.

The reason why Sheng Fenghua did this was absolutely inseparable from the morning newspaper.

At this time, Ye Motang felt a little tired. He had already noticed the hostile relationship between Sheng Fenghua and the Gu family, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Even if Sheng Fenghua had reminded him before, it was difficult for him to suddenly doubt someone who had trusted him for decades.

Therefore, he has never made a clear statement, especially when it comes to Gu Shaoyang, he is still blaming himself and feels that he should not doubt the other party.

At this moment, he somewhat understood why Sheng Fenghua had such an attitude.She should have known it a long time ago, but she didn't tell herself clearly, because she was afraid that she would be sad.

But what did I do again, to break my daughter's heart because of Gu Shaoyang.

Thinking of this, Ning Minglie felt uncomfortable.So, after perfunctory Gu Letian, he hung up the phone and called Sheng Fenghua.

"Daughter, where are you?"

"Father, what's the matter?"

"Daughter, I want to have a good talk with you, can you go home now?" Ning Minglie's tone contained a hint of request.

"Okay, I'll be back in half an hour." Sheng Fenghua readily agreed.Even if Ning Minglie didn't say anything, she would take the initiative to talk to him.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Ning Minglie hung up the phone and waited at home.However, his expression was a little disturbed and uneasy.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing him like this, Ye Qingge was puzzled, and asked, "Are you still worried about Gu Shaoyang's condition?"

"No!" Ning Minglie shook his head, then looked up at his wife, and said, "Qing Ge, do you think I'm an asshole?"

"You're fine, why are you asking this all of a sudden?" Ye Qingge became more and more puzzled. Ning Minglie has been tangled up for a long time, and he doesn't know what he is tangled up in.

"It's my fault. I'm sorry for my daughter." After Ning Minglie finished speaking, he paused, and then continued: "My eyes are blind, and my heart is also blind. I broke my daughter's heart because of others. You say, my daughter still Will you forgive me?"

Ye Qingge was taken aback when he heard this, and then he realized what Ning Minglie was trying to argue.

So, she looked up at Ning Minglie, and said with a serious face: "Minglie, Fenghua is not that kind of stingy person. She understands what you do, but she just doesn't agree with it. You are her father and will always be, A daughter will not hate her father because of some trivial things, because of a few outsiders."

"Really?" Ning Minglie couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true." Ye Qingge nodded affirmatively.

At this time, there was movement outside the yard, the two stopped talking, and looked into the yard together.

The courtyard door opened, a car drove in and stopped at the door.

After a while, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei got out of the car and walked towards the living room.

Entering the living room, the two greeted Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge with a smile when they saw Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge sitting there.

"Dad, Mom!"

"Dad, Mom!"

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua called out to them, and sat down opposite them.

"I'm back, I'll get you some fruit." Ye Qingge got up and went to the kitchen, leaving Ning Minglie and Si Zhanbei in the living room.

"Fenghua, I'm sorry, my father was wrong." Ning Minglie glanced at Sheng Fenghua, and then apologized to her.

(End of this chapter)

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