ace warm marriage

Chapter 1095 Her Conditions

Chapter 1095 Her Conditions ([-])

While Sheng Fenghua and the others were on guard against the Gu family, they were also stepping up efforts to collect evidence of the Gu family.

They knew that it was useless to just bring down the Gu family in City G. Only by rooting out the Gu family like the Wen family could everyone be safe.

For this reason, Si Zhanbei used the secret forces of the Si family to suppress the Gu family, so that the Gu family could not detect their actions for a while, so as to facilitate the progress of the matter.

He didn't tell Sheng Fenghua about this, nor did he tell Ning Minglie.

A few days later, Gu Shaoyang showed up. According to the Gu family, he went to the provincial capital and brought his condition under control. He no longer needs to be hospitalized every day, but only needs to go for regular checkups.

Gu Shaoyang went to work the next day after the news came out from the Gu family.

As soon as he got to work, he went to Ye Motang's office in person to apologize to him.

"Uncle Ye, I'm here to apologize to you." Gu Shaoyang entered Ye Motang's office, and bowed deeply to Ye Motang who was sitting behind the desk.

"Shaoyang, what are you doing?" Ye Motang looked at Gu Shaoyang with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he was singing.

"Uncle Ye, I only found out about the report now. I was afraid that you might misunderstand me, so I came here to explain the situation to you. It's also my fault that I have been ill for so long and didn't read the newspaper in time, which made Uncle Ye sad. for such a long time."

Gu Shaoyang spoke sincerely, making Ye Motang silent.These days, Sheng Fenghua would give her some materials every day, most of which were things that Gu Shaoyang had done.

Before reading those materials, he might believe that Gu Shaoyang was sincere, that he was innocent, that those things were done by Gu Letian and had nothing to do with him.

But now, seeing Gu Shaoyang pretending in front of him, Ye Motang only felt chills.He wholeheartedly regarded Gu Shaoyang as his son, but Gu Shaoyang never regarded him as his father.

Yes, Gu Shaoyang has his own biological father.Although they didn't spend as much time together as he and Gu Shaoyang did, but the bloody father-son relationship was inseparable.

"The matter is over." Ye Motang said lightly, glanced at Gu Shaoyang, and said, "Shaoyang, you are sick now, let's put aside the company's affairs first, and take a good rest at home for a while. Don't worry , I will pay according to the salary."

"Uncle Ye, don't worry, I'm fine now, and it won't affect my work." Gu Shaoyang's heart sank when he heard Ye Motang's words, he knew that Ye Motang didn't believe what he just said.

"No, I'll just let someone else do the work. Otherwise, if your body is exhausted, your father will have to trouble me."

"Uncle Ye, I'm really fine." How could Gu Shaoyang be willing? Although he is resting at home these days, he still knows about the company.

He knew that many things that he should be responsible for had already been handed over to Song Ning.At the beginning, his people in the company didn't pay attention to Song Ning at all, waiting to see his jokes.

But they didn't see the joke, but they saw him holding the company's resources in his hands bit by bit.

For this reason, those people panicked and called themselves one day at a time, asking him to come back.

It's just that the Gu family released the news that he had gone to the provincial capital to see a doctor, so he insisted on delaying his appearance for two days.

Now that he came to the company, how could he leave so easily.He didn't want his hard work to be wasted, and he didn't want to make a wedding dress for someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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