ace warm marriage

Chapter 1096 Her Conditions

Chapter 1096 Her Conditions ([-])

Ye Motang took a deep look at Gu Shaoyang, how could he not understand his thoughts.However, he didn't say anything.

After pondering for a while, Ye Motang finally said: "Since you insist on staying, that's fine. If your father calls at that time, I will chase him away directly."

"Uncle Ye, don't worry, my dad won't call." Seeing Ye Motang let go, Gu Shaoyang showed a slight smile on his face.

If Ye Motang firmly disagreed, there was nothing he could do.Fortunately, he finally agreed.

"Okay, you go. But since you are still sick, I will find someone to share some of your work."

"Uncle Ye is very thoughtful." Although Gu Shaoyang was unhappy in his heart, he didn't show it on his face.He knew that this was Ye Motang's biggest concession.If he didn't know the way, he really wouldn't want to stay today.

"Go! I will ask Xiao Song to find you in a while, and see what tasks can be entrusted to him."

"Then Uncle Ye, I'll go get busy first." Gu Shaoyang nodded, turned and left.

After Gu Shaoyang left, Ye Motang called Song Ning directly and asked him to come to his office.Song Ning's office is next door to Ye Motang, so come over soon.

"Ye Dong, are you looking for me?" Song Ning looked at Ye Motang and asked with a smile.Although he already knew about Ye's situation before coming here, it was still a bit difficult to work.Therefore, he has been relatively busy these days.

Fortunately, I am busy, so I can handle the work.Those who stumbled him did not get any good.

"Xiao Song, General Manager Gu is back. You will go to his office later and hand over the work. He is sick, and you have to share more for him."


Song Ning went to Gu Shaoyang's office not long after, and there were quite a few people there when he arrived.Song Ning saw that most of them had tripped him up.

"Assistant Song is here?" Seeing Song Ning, even though they hated him terribly in their hearts, they still wanted to save face, they all smiled and greeted him.

"Everyone is here!" Song Ning smiled, walked in, and said to Gu Shaoyang: "General Manager Gu, Mr. Ye asked me to lighten your workload. See if there is anything I need to do. Go ahead and order."

"Assistant Song, sit down first." Gu Shaoyang smiled at Song Ning, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.Before, he had someone check Song Ning's details and knew that he had a security company under his name, but he didn't know that he was from Sheng Fenghua.

It wasn't until yesterday that they found out that Song Ning was actually Sheng Fenghua's person.After knowing the news, he has been trying to draw Song Ning to his side.

Song Ning glanced at Gu Shaoyang, sat down generously, and waited quietly for him to speak.

For a while, neither of them spoke.Seeing that Gu Shaoyang did not speak, the others also closed their mouths one by one.

After a while, Gu Shaoyang was the first to lose his composure, and said, "I heard that Assistant Song was specially invited by Director Ye. I wonder how much benefit Director Ye has given Assistant Song?"

"General Manager Gu was joking, and I dare not say the benefits. It's just that Ye Dong gave him a higher salary. I didn't expect General Manager Gu to be interested in this."

"Assistant Song, Ming people don't speak dark words. You must be aware of my Gu family's situation in G City. I don't know if you are interested in doing things for me. If you do things for me, I guarantee that the treatment will only be good for others, no will be worse than others.”

(End of this chapter)

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