ace warm marriage

Chapter 1097 Her Conditions

Chapter 1097 Her Conditions ([-])

Song Ning glanced at Gu Shaoyang, a little surprised that he would win him over.

But after thinking about it, I think it makes sense.Now the Gu family and Ye Motang have turned their faces, but they are just maintaining the superficial peace.

Moreover, soon, the Gu family will attack Ye Motang and Sheng Fenghua, and Gu Shaoyang naturally wants to pull himself over.

At least in the short term, he is also the Ye family's confidant, and the benefits of attracting him are great.

Seeing that Song Ning didn't speak, Gu Shaoyang thought he was thinking about it, so he continued, "Assistant Song, it's better like this. I will double what Ye Dong gave you, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Song Ning laughed and said, "General Manager, can you allow me to think about it?"

Although he didn't agree right away, after hearing this, Gu Shaoyang was still very happy and slightly relieved.As long as the other party is willing to consider it, it means there is still hope.

This person is so strange, if Song Ning agreed immediately, he would be worried.

"Yes, but don't take too long, three days, give me an answer within three days."

"it is good!"

"Okay, I have some things on hand, and you help me deal with them."

Seeing that Song Ning was so straightforward, Gu Shaoyang didn't say much, and directly threw some troublesome and difficult things in his hands to him.

"Okay!" Song Ning took over the matter and left Gu Shaoyang's office.When he left, Gu Shaoyang's confidantes spoke up and said, "General manager, will that kid agree?"

"People die for money, birds die for food. The general manager gave more than Ye Motang, if he still doesn't agree, then he is a fool."

"I don't think so. That kid is very slippery. Maybe he just said yes, but who knows what he thinks in his heart."

"Don't worry, he can't help but agree." For this, Gu Shaoyang is still very confident.In the past few days, Gu Shaofeng has been busy with how to catch Sheng Fenghua.

At that time, as long as the members of the Ye family are arrested, Song Ning will be much easier to deal with.He still doesn't believe it, and when the time comes to threaten and lure him, he will not agree.

"The general manager said so, then we don't have to worry about it. Don't say it, that kid has two tricks."

A group of people sat in Gu Shaoyang's office for a long time, and then they left after they settled down.

Ye Motang soon found out that the company's top executives had gone to Gu Shaoyang's office, and he also knew that Gu Shaoyang had promoted those people.

Now, he went to work after being sick, so they should go to see him.However, he also began to weaken the power in the hands of those people.The things that should have been entrusted to them were entrusted to their assistants.

In the Gu family, after Gu Shaoyang went to Ye's to work, Gu Shaofeng and his son sped up their actions.They secretly investigated Sheng Fenghua's whereabouts.

Two days later, there was a large-scale commercial event in G City, and Sheng Fenghua, as Ye's daughter, was naturally invited.

After getting Sheng Fenghua to participate in the event, Gu Shaofeng made careful arrangements.He planned to kidnap Sheng Fenghua unexpectedly at the end of the event.

In order to facilitate the progress of the matter, the Gu family directly arranged their own people into the staff of the event.Among them are hostesses, security guards, people in charge of certain aspects of the event, and even the cleaning aunts.

They also prepared some drugs, in order to prevent accidents and prevent Sheng Fenghua from yelling.

After Gu Shaofeng arranged everything, the event came as scheduled.

 The sixth watch is over!Happy New Year!Dogs are rich and prosperous, and they prosper each other.I wish you a new year, prosperous! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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