ace warm marriage

Chapter 1114 People from Province G

Chapter 1114 People from Province G ([-])
Hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Gu Shaoyang was startled and regretted in his heart.I was thinking about how to add trouble to Sheng Fenghua, but I forgot that he is now a prisoner.

"I, I said the wrong thing, I'm sorry!" After Gu Shaoyang figured out his situation, he immediately apologized.

Really knows the times.

Gu Shaoyang didn't want Sheng Fenghua to take his life because of this.Although he didn't think Sheng Fenghua would kill him in his heart, he was still a little worried.

"I'm sorry now, isn't it too late?" Sheng Fenghua gave Gu Shaoyang a cold look, and said, "I'll give you another chance, tell me, what else do you know?"

The meaning of Sheng Fenghua's words is very clear, that is, if what Gu Shaoyang knows is valuable, she can consider letting it go, but if he is still like just now, then don't blame her.

Gu Shaoyang is not a fool, he naturally understands what Sheng Fenghua said.

"Our mission failed this time, and our family will send people here. It is estimated that they will arrive within a day or two."

Sheng Fenghua frowned, which coincided with what they inferred.Afterwards, she spoke again and asked, "How do you contact those people?"

Gu Shaoyang shook his head, those people would definitely not contact them when they came.Even if he had to contact him, he would contact his father.

But now that his father has been arrested, those in the family will definitely not contact them again.

Sheng Fenghua looked at Gu Shaoyang for a while, seeing that he didn't seem to be lying, so he didn't ask any more questions.She knew that even if she asked again, she would not be able to find anything.

"Take him back to the next door." Sheng Fenghua ordered, and then left with Si Zhanbei.

The two walked to the living room, thinking of what Gu Shaoyang said before, Sheng Fenghua felt that he should make preparations earlier.This time, the Gu family father and son missed, the Gu family will definitely not just find some people to come.

Those who came must be difficult to deal with.

"Zhanbei, we have to get the information of those people as soon as possible. Also, we need to send more people to my parents' place." Sheng Fenghua's first thought was the safety of his parents, but they themselves were fine.In case of a critical moment, you can go into the space to hide.

But Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge are different, they have no space, although someone is protecting them now, Sheng Fenghua is still a little worried.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law, I will take care of all these. Your task now is to go back and have a good rest. It's getting late, if you don't sleep, it will be dawn."

Sheng Fenghua watched Si Zhanbei's body go limp, leaned into his arms, and said, "I'm not tired, I'll wait for you to rest together."

"Okay, then wait a moment, I'll make a call." Si Zhanbei rubbed Sheng Fenghua's hair with a smile, and then took out the phone.

Seeing that Si Zhanbei was about to make a call, Sheng Fenghua stood up and said, "I'll wait for you in the car!"

They want to go back to Ye's house to sleep.Although there are enough rooms here, there are also many people, so there are no rooms for Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei for the time being.

Si Zhanbei nodded, watched Sheng Fenghua leave the villa, and made a call.

He explained the matter on the phone and asked the other party to help him keep an eye on the strangers who came to G City in the past few days.

After hanging up the phone, Si Zhanbei greeted Zhang Jianan and the others before leaving.

A few minutes later, the two returned to Ye's house.After putting the car in the garage, the two entered the house.

As soon as they went upstairs, the door of Ning Minglie and Ye Qingge's room opened, and Ning Minglie, who was in pajamas, poked his head out.

(End of this chapter)

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