ace warm marriage

Chapter 1115 People from Province G

Chapter 1115 People from Province G ([-])
Seeing that the two of them had come back, he asked, "Fenghua, Zhanbei, why did you come back? Are you hungry? Do you want your mother to get you some supper?"

"Dad, no need, we're not hungry. Go back to sleep first, we're going to rest too." Sheng Fenghua shook his head, watched Ning Minglie enter the room, and then went back to his room with Si Zhanbei .

Back in the room, Sheng Fenghua took a set of pajamas to take a shower, while Si Zhanbei waited in the room.

After a while, Sheng Fenghua finished washing, and then Si Zhanbei went to wash.After taking a shower, seeing Sheng Fenghua still blowing her hair, Si Zhanbei went straight up to take the hair dryer, and helped her dry her hair before they went to rest together.

After a good night's sleep, the two woke up later than usual the next day.When he got up, it was almost eight o'clock, and Ning Minglie was sitting in the living room having breakfast.

Seeing Twice downstairs, he smiled and asked, "Why didn't you sleep a little longer?"

The two smiled, and Sheng Fenghua couldn't help asking, "Dad, where's my mother?" Ye Qingge was not seen.

"It's in the kitchen." Ning Minglie replied, Sheng Fenghua went directly to the kitchen, saw Ye Qingge was still busy, and stepped forward to help.

The mother and daughter brought out breakfast and put it on the table before sitting down.

While eating breakfast, looking at Ning Minglie who had finished eating, and thinking that the Gu family might have sent someone here, Sheng Sheng Fenghua suddenly said: "Father, is it okay for you not to go to work these few days?"

"What's wrong?" Ning Minglie looked up at Sheng Fenghua, a little puzzled.How could he do without going to work, now that Gu Shaoyang was not at work, and Song Ning was new here, he and Lin Feng would definitely not be able to do it.

"Father, the Gu family may send someone out recently. So, if you don't have to go to work, I suggest you rest at home."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Ning Minglie naturally understood what Sheng Fenghua meant, but now is the critical time for Mrs. Ye, it's really impossible for him not to go to work.Unless, they plan to give up Ye Shi.

Of course, it is not impossible to give up.However, in that case, tens of thousands of Ye's employees would lose their jobs.

In this way, many families will be affected.And this is what he doesn't want to see.

Sheng Fenghua obviously also knew that his father, as the chairman of the Ye family, could not refuse to go.Therefore, she just reminded him, and she didn't really want him to go.

However, for the sake of Ning Minglie's safety, it is still necessary to send a few more people to follow him.

So, she said to Ning Minglie: "Father, since you have to go to work, you should bring a few more people with you, so that we can rest assured."

Ning Minglie originally didn't want to bring so many people, but in order to reassure Sheng Fenghua and the others, he agreed.

After dinner, Ning Minglie went to work with a few bodyguards.Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei didn't go out immediately, but stayed at home with Ye Qingge and made arrangements for those who would protect her.

When someone to protect Ye Qingge was arranged, Si Zhanbei's phone rang.

"What's the matter?" Si Zhanbei answered the phone and asked.

"The people from Province G have arrived. They just left the airport and are heading to where you live."

"Understood!" Si Zhanbei hung up the phone, and then said to Sheng Fenghua: "I received the news that those people have arrived and are coming towards us."

"So soon, it seems that we have to get ready to welcome guests." Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Zhanbei, the corners of his mouth raised, and a sneer appeared.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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