ace warm marriage

Chapter 1116 Catching Turtle in the Urn

Chapter 1116 Catch a turtle in an urn ([-])

She knew that those people would definitely come straight to Ye's house.Since this is the case, then they will come to catch the turtle in one urn.

"Fenghua, Zhanbei, what are you talking about, what kind of guests are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Ye Qingge looked at Sheng Fenghua with a puzzled expression, not understanding what she meant by welcoming guests.

"Mom, it's okay, you go and do your work. Zhan Bei and I will take care of the rest." Sheng Fenghua said to Ye Qingge with a smile, planning to send her away.He didn't tell her about the arrival of the people sent by the Gu family, for fear that she would be worried.

"Also, Mom, no matter what happens later, just stay in the room and don't come out."

"That's fine, be careful yourself. Call me if you have something to do." Ye Qingge didn't ask any further questions, and got up to go about her own business.

She hasn't been here for a long time, and she doesn't have many friends. She rarely goes out and spends most of her time at home.However, she is interested in dancing, so she bought a disc and is learning it.

After Ye Qingge left, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei looked at each other, and then turned on the Ye family's security system.This thing doesn't seem to be of much use at ordinary times, but it can come in handy at this critical time.

Aren't those people coming now?They intend to give each other a first taste of being counterattacked by the security system.At the end, it was the real fight with them.

The people sent by the Gu family are indeed elites, both in terms of ability and skills, they are very good.As soon as they arrived in City G, they found out the address of the Ye family.

Then he came straight to Ye's house, intending to take Ye Qingge at home first, and then use her to threaten Ye Motang and Sheng Fenghua who were at work.

They felt that neither Ye Motang nor Sheng Fenghua could let Ye Qingge go.One is the husband and the other is the daughter, why leave the wife alone and leave the mother alone.

The other party had a good plan, but the only thing they didn't count was that Sheng Fenghua was also at home.

The people from province G soon arrived outside the Ye family's villa.They turned around the villa, found a place that was easier to enter, and prepared to sneak into Ye's villa quietly.

After choosing the place, they didn't rush in, but let people check the situation in the villa first.They had obtained the villa's information a long time ago, so it was very convenient to check it.

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua had known for a long time that the other party might use high-tech products, so they fiddled a bit when making the security system.Apart from what they are willing to let others know, nothing will be leaked otherwise.

Therefore, when those people checked the situation, they only found Ye Qingge and two servants at home.As for Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua, they didn't find any of those people who were hiding in secret before.

After confirming that Ye Qingge was among the people inside, those people started to attack.

They easily entered the villa, and then went straight to the gate.At this moment, they had no idea what was waiting for them.

Soon, a group of fifteen people, except for the two who stood guard outside, the other thirteen people entered the villa.

As soon as they entered the villa, those people dispersed, some of them went to guard the other exits of the villa to prevent Ye Qingge from escaping, and some of them approached the gate.

As soon as they approached the gate, they listened quietly for a while, and only after they were sure that there was no danger, they began to unlock the combination lock on the gate.

The combination lock was unlocked, and those people pushed the door in.As soon as they entered, several infrared rays fell on their bodies and touched the security device. Water arrows shot from all directions and landed on their bodies.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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