ace warm marriage

Chapter 1118 Catching Turtle in the Urn

Chapter 1118 Catch a Turtle in an Urn ([-])

Since Sheng Fenghua pretended not to know, it was natural to pretend to the end.As for whether these people believe it or not, that is their business.

Those people stared at Sheng Fenghua, a little annoyed at her pretending to be confused while she pretended to understand.Today, they originally planned well, they left after catching Ye Qingge.But who knew that there were infrared rays in this room, as well as water arrows and power grids waiting for them.

In this way, they failed in their efforts, and now they have become the turtles in the urn again. It is difficult to get out, let alone arrest people.

However, they can't all be planted here, someone has to go out and report.

Thinking of this, the leader quietly gave his subordinates a look, secretly telling them that they would escape if they had the chance.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei saw their interaction and did not stop it.If this can make these people run away, then they don't have to hang around in the army.

"Come here, take them down and have a good trial." Sheng Fenghua glanced at them and ordered.

As soon as the sound fell, someone came out immediately, stepping forward to take these people away.It's just that these people were unwilling to be taken away just like that, and they did not wait for Sheng Fenghua and others to get close, so they raised their hands.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei had already thought of these people's ability to do something.And their subordinates are not idiots.

As soon as those people moved, they became defensive.

Soon the two sides exchanged hands, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei stood aside and watched.For their own men, the two are still very confident.What's more, those people have already been attacked by water arrows and power grids, and their combat effectiveness has long been greatly reduced.

The two sides quickly distinguished the high and low, and the intruders were thrown to the ground one by one, groaning in pain.Si Zhanbei glanced at those people, and said lightly: "Take it down."

More than a dozen people were taken away, and the Ye family quickly quieted down.Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei started to tidy up the living room. The water in the living room was not easy to clean.

Fortunately, the servants of the Ye family and the remaining subordinates who hadn't left also came to help, so it didn't take long to drain the water.

After getting the water out, they dried the floor again, and then told Ye Qingge that it was all right.

After that, they sat with Ye Qingge for a while before leaving.

The people from City G were taken back to another villa. When Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei went back, their subordinates happened to be interrogating them.

They have already interrogated half of the people, and they have dug out some information from them.

They gave the mouths of those people to Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei.When the two saw that the head of the Gu family was going to let some members of the Gu family go abroad in the confession, they immediately had an idea.

Among other things, the two of them had good contacts abroad.Especially the place they were going to was country M, which was really great news for Sheng Fenghua.

As long as these people arrive in country M, if nothing else is said, killing them or even making them go bankrupt is a matter of minutes.

Thinking of this, after talking to Si Zhanbei, she went directly to make a phone call to Fengmian.

After receiving a call from Sheng Fenghua, Fengmian was overjoyed.Since Sheng Fenghua returned to China, they had very little contact with each other.Occasionally contact once, but also because of something.

Otherwise, the two of them don't have much contact at ordinary times.Fengmian was afraid of disturbing Sheng Fenghua on the one hand, and worried that being too close to Sheng Fenghua would destroy her happiness.

Even though, he had already hidden Sheng Fenghua in his heart, and planned to guard him silently.But as a man, he knows that a jealous man is sometimes irrational.

(End of this chapter)

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