ace warm marriage

Chapter 1119 Catching Turtle in the Urn

Chapter 1119 Catch a Turtle in an Urn ([-])

In order not to cause trouble for Sheng Fenghua, he could only restrain himself.When I really miss her, I take out her photo and take a look.

"Fenghua, what's the matter?" Fengmian asked with a smile.Originally, he was in a meeting, but when he received a call from Sheng Fenghua, he immediately suspended the meeting, and then went out to answer the phone.

"Feng Mian, there is something I want to ask for your help."

"What's the matter, let's talk!" Feng Mian said very straightforwardly, regarding Sheng Fenghua's matter, he always took it as his own.

"Feng Mian, I have an enemy who went to country M, you help me get rid of those people, and also buy their property."

"No problem, you can pass the information to me later."

"Okay, thank you!" Sheng Fenghua thanked.Hearing her thanks, Feng Mian pretended to be displeased and said: "Feng Hua, why are you always so polite, if you do this again, I won't dare to help you in the future."

Hearing what Fengmian said, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay, I won't thank you in the future."

"That's right, we are friends, why do you have to be so polite?" Feng Mian also laughed afterward.

The two quickly hung up the phone, Sheng Fenghua returned to Si Zhanbei's side, and said, "It's done, I'll pass the information to Fengmian later."

"Since my wife has made a move on this matter, then I don't care about it." Si Zhanbei laughed, and put his arms around Sheng Fenghua's shoulders.Although he didn't want Sheng Fenghua to ask Fengmian for help, it was undeniable that dark night people were better at doing bad things.

After figuring this out, Si Zhanbei felt relieved.

The two of them read the confession in their hands, and the interrogation over there was also over.There are not many really useful things, and they don't know what the Patriarch of the Gu family wants to get. They only know that their duty is to take Sheng Fenghua's family of three to G Province.

As long as they bring the person, they will complete the task.

They couldn't ask anything, and Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua didn't intend to release these people, but locked them together with Gu Shaoyang.

When Gu Shaoyang saw those people, although he didn't know them, he guessed their identities.

So, he glanced at the other party, then lowered his head.He felt that these people would be arrested, and there were more or less reasons for it.

He was the one who broke the news to Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei first, otherwise these people might not have been locked up with him.

When those people were locked in the room, they frowned when they saw Gu Shaoyang who was already in the room.The father and son of the Gu family are not doing well, they know it.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have been sent to this city G, but they didn't expect to be locked up with Gu Shaoyang.As far as they know, this ancient family is very powerful in this G city.How could this Gu Shaoyang be locked up?
Could it be that people from the Gu family didn't rescue him?
"Master Gu, why are you here?" Someone recognized Gu Shaoyang and asked directly.

"Who are you?" Although Gu Shaoyang knew their identities, he could only pretend to be confused.

"We are from the Gu family in Province G, so we are considered a family."

"You are this?"

"We were arrested just like you. We underestimated the enemy carelessly. I didn't expect the people from the Ye family to be so difficult to deal with."

"By the way, how did you get locked up here? Couldn't you be arrested by Sheng Fenghua just like us?"

Getting caught was something that Gu Shaoyang hated in his heart, and when he heard them mention it, his face flushed with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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