ace warm marriage

Chapter 1121 Catching Turtle in the Urn

Chapter 1121

After hearing what the leader said, everyone stopped talking and sat down one by one.

After resting, they began to discuss how to escape.What they didn't know was that Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei could hear everything they said clearly.

Hearing what you said and what I said, Sheng Fenghua curled his lips into a sneer.When it comes to her place, no one wants to go out unless she wants to.

A group of people discussed for a while, but there was no result, and Sheng Fenghua didn't listen to what they said.Instead, he glanced at Si Zhanbei and asked, "Zhanbei, do you think we should send a big gift to the Patriarch of the Gu family?"

"You don't want to tell him about the arrest of these people, do you?" Si Zhanbei glanced at Sheng Fenghua and asked with a smile.He and Sheng Fenghua's husband and wife have been in harmony for more than a year, which is still there.

"I'm going to take a photo for Patriarch Gu, and it's good to be angry with him. Besides, we don't have time to wait like this. If we wait for these people to escape, we will report to the Patriarch of the Gu Family, or wait for the Patriarch of the Gu Family to collect them himself. It's too late to hear the news."

"So, let's tell him the news ourselves. I believe that Patriarch Gu's expression will be bright when he sees the photos of these people being arrested."

"At this time, he is probably in a state of desperation. If you tell him the news at this time, you might be dizzy."

"It's best to be dizzy with anger, and it's best to be too angry to get up." Sheng Fenghua said with a smile, if the Patriarch of the Gu family is really the real culprit behind the scenes, it's not as simple as being dizzy.

At least to survive.

Otherwise, the members of the Ye family would have died in vain, and the suffering of Ye Qingge and Ning Minglie these years would have been in vain.

"This may be a bit difficult. Although the head of the ancient family is a bit old, I heard that he is in good spirits. Such news will definitely not do anything to him. If you also pass on foreign news to him, it is probably true. You might be too angry to get up."

"It's a pity that it will take a few days to receive the news from abroad, otherwise I will send it to him together."

"It's okay, let's charge a little interest first, and then slowly collect the principal."

"it is good!"

Sheng Fenghua nodded, then took a screenshot of the screen on the monitor, and then directly transmitted it to the Gu family's Patriarch's mobile phone through the computer.

The Patriarch of the Gu family was waiting for news from City G, when the phone rang, he immediately picked it up.

Turning on the phone, seeing that it was a message, he clicked on it without thinking too much.When he saw the content of the message, his face was ugly.The chest also rose and fell, and the mouth opened, panting heavily.

"Patriarch, what's the matter with you?" The person who served him next to him, seeing him like this, couldn't help worrying, and asked loudly.

The Patriarch of the Gu Family didn't speak, and he couldn't say anything even if he wanted to.At this moment, he was really angry. If it wasn't for something supporting him, he would probably have fallen to the ground.

The person who served him looked at him like this, stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hand to comfort him, and said to him: "Patriarch, take a deep breath, take a deep breath."

The Patriarch of the Gu Family was not a fuel-efficient lamp either, he was angry, and after taking a few deep breaths, he quickly calmed down.

He knew that the person he had just sent out had already missed, and he had to think of another way as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, the Patriarch of the Gu family picked up the phone and made several calls.

It wasn't until he hung up the phone that the expression on his face improved a little bit, but it was still full of killing intent.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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