ace warm marriage

Chapter 1122 Borrowing a knife to kill

Chapter 1122 Borrowing a knife to kill someone ([-])

Since Sheng Fenghua is so powerful, he can only kill with a knife.Last time, he borrowed a knife to kill people and wiped out the entire Ye family. Now he doesn't mind doing it again and wiped out the entire Ye family.

If he can't get that thing, no one else can get it.

Thinking of this, a cold expression appeared on the face of the Patriarch of the Gu family.

Besides Sheng Fenghua's side, after she sent the news, Si Zhanbei also made a phone call and asked the people there to keep an eye on the actions of the Gu family.

The news that Sheng Fenghua just sent is tantamount to a provocation to the Gu family. The Gu family will definitely not sit idly by, so they will definitely have other actions.

Of course, apart from the Gu family, Si Zhanbei did not miss any news about G City.No matter what the Gu family did, those people would still come to G City in the end.Because Sheng Fenghua's family of three is here, if they want to get something, they have to get it from them.

However, the two guessed that the Gu family's actions were not so fast, so they didn't stay in the villa for too long, but went out.

The husband and wife went to Ye's Group together, wanting to see if there was anything Ye Motang needed help with.

Needless to say, when the two arrived at Ye's, they saw a group of people gathered in front of the chairman's office, all of whom seemed to be senior executives of the company.

And there is only one purpose for them to gather around, and that is to leave the job.

As for the reason, it was because the first thing Ye Motang did when he joined the company today was to remove Gu Shaoyang from the post of general manager.

When the appointment and dismissal was notified, those people whom Gu Shaoyang raised could not sit still.After discussing with each other, they decided to resign collectively in order to threaten Ye Motang.

Because they feel that they are the mainstay of the company, and the Ye Group would not be able to move without them.Moreover, they wanted Ye Motang to take back his appointment and dismissal, and they also wanted Gu Shaoyang to return to the company as the general manager.

Of course, what they hope most is that Ye Motang will be squeezed out of the company. In this way, they will be a great contributor, and Gu Shaoyang will definitely not treat them badly in the future.

Although Ye Motang said that he had already prepared in his heart, he did not expect that the notice of his appointment and dismissal would not arrive within half an hour, and all these people would gather around the door of his office.

Seeing these high-level executives with Ye's salary but only thinking of Gu Shaoyang, Ye Motang's face was very ugly.Moreover, these people handed in their resignation collectively, which annoyed him very much.

He naturally understands what they mean, but there are not many people available in the company now, and it will take time to recruit them now, so it's really hard to let them all resign for a while.

But if you want to keep them here, their demands are too much.Just when he didn't know what to do, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei came.

Hearing that the two were coming, Ye Motang had no choice but to temporarily put aside those surrounding the office door and let the two come in.

The two of them passed the executives gathered around the door of the office and walked in.Seeing Ye Motang with an uneasy expression, he asked worriedly, "Father, are you alright?"

"It's okay!" Ye Motang shook his head, not wanting Sheng Fenghua and the others to worry.After all, they are already worried enough about being wary of the people of the Gu family, it is better not to bother them about the company's affairs.

Moreover, even if you tell them, it will not help.Because, it's impossible for them to help him get some managers over out of thin air, isn't it?

Because, standing outside is not one or two, but a dozen executives.If it was one or two, he would have solved it long ago, and he wouldn't wait until now.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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