ace warm marriage

Chapter 1125 Borrowing a knife to kill

Chapter 1125
Seeing the email sent by the chairman's office, the entire Ye family was overwhelmed.It is said that soldiers who do not want to be generals are not good soldiers, and employees who do not want to be executives are naturally not good employees.

There are many experienced and capable employees in the Ye Group, but they are just a little bit unlucky, so they can only stay in the middle level.

Now, with such a good opportunity, how could they miss it?
So, they quickly applied for positions they were interested in and responded to emails.Sheng Fenghua asked Lin Feng to do the statistics first, and wait for the interview after the registration was over.

The matter was settled like this, Ye Motang felt relieved, and then asked the two of them why they came.

Sheng Fenghua looked at Ye Motang, smiled and said, "There's nothing to do at home, let's come and take a look."

"How is it? Nothing happened at home?" Ye Motang glanced at the two of them and asked.He left home early in the morning and arrived at the company safely, but he was always worried.

He was also worried that those people would go home, which would be detrimental to Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua.Now, Sheng Fenghua stood in front of him, either the other party didn't come, or the matter had been resolved.

It's okay if the matter is resolved, but I'm afraid the other party hasn't come yet.A wife who stays at home like this is in danger.

"Father, don't worry, the matter has been resolved." Sheng Fenghua laughed, knowing what Ye Motang was worried about, so he told him directly.

"It's all settled, so quickly?" Ye Motang was a little surprised.He knows how difficult this Gu family is to deal with.Otherwise, they wouldn't have been hiding so hard before.

Twenty years ago, he hid for a whole year, but in the end he still couldn't dodge and was found by them.

Now, 20 years later, the Gu family will only be more difficult to deal with.Therefore, he didn't dare to be careless at all, and reminded: "Fenghua, this ancient family is difficult to deal with, you must not underestimate the enemy."

"Father, don't worry, we won't underestimate the enemy. The matter I said has been resolved, but it is only temporarily resolved. If the Gu family is not uprooted, there is no way to really solve the matter. However, father, don't worry, we have already solved this matter. dealt with."

"It's good that you know it yourself." Ye Motang saw that Sheng Fenghua knew it, but didn't say much.

Just in time, the secretary came in with the document to sign for Ye Motang, and they stopped.

Seeing that Ye Motang was busy, Sheng Fenghua took the initiative to help him with some things.After having a working meal at the company at noon, I got busy again.

After being so busy, half a day passed.The father and daughter came home from get off work together.Back home, Ye Qingge had prepared dinner and was waiting for them.

After dinner, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei watched TV with their parents for a while, and when they were about to go back to the house to rest, Si Zhanbei's phone rang.

Seeing the incoming call, it was obvious that Si Zhanbei got up and went to the side to answer the phone.

After answering the phone, he told Ye Motang and Ye Qingge that he had something to go out, and then left Ye's house with Sheng Fenghua.

"Zhan Bei, what happened?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei and asked after leaving the gate.Although Si Zhanbei's expression was the same as usual just now, she still felt the change in his breath after answering the phone.

"The Gu family paid a lot of money this time." Si Zhanbei's face was a little ugly, and he said to Sheng Fenghua: "This time the Gu family didn't make a move in person, but asked someone else to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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