ace warm marriage

Chapter 1126 Borrowing a knife to kill

Chapter 1126
"Does the Gu family want to borrow a knife to kill someone?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, never expecting the Gu family to come up with such a trick.

Originally, she thought, if she is not afraid of people from the Gu family, she is afraid that people from the Gu family will not come.Because every time someone comes, they can weaken the strength of some ancient families.

Unexpectedly, the Gu family found someone else.It seems that the Patriarch of this ancient family is a smart person. It is really a good way for him to preserve his strength and achieve his goal.

"By the way, who is the Gu family looking for?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Zhanbei and asked.If the Gu family made a move, they would naturally not be looking for someone unknown.

"I don't know yet, I just know that he found someone else." Si Zhanbei shook his head, which was also the reason for his bad complexion.

It would be easy if he knew who the Gu family was looking for, but now he didn't know that it was embarrassing.This makes them feel a little unpredictable.

Even if they guard at various checkpoints in G city, they may not be able to accurately lock the target.

"In this way, we can only strengthen the defense of the Ye family."

"Yes!" Si Zhanbei nodded, and then reminded: "There is also father's place, and the protection must be strengthened."

"Do we have enough people?" This is the question that Sheng Fenghua is worried about.In the past, she felt that she had a lot of people in her hands, but now she saw that there were still too few people.

It seems that she has to spread her power to various places, so that no matter what happens, she can deal with it.

"There should be no problem for now."

"Then let's make arrangements first. As for who the Gu family is looking for, I'll ask someone to check."

"Okay, let's split up then."

"it is good!"

After the husband and wife discussed it, Si Zhanbei left the Ye family, while Sheng Fenghua entered the room, took out his computer, and prepared to find someone to help him find out who the Gu family was looking for.

Sheng Fenghua was lucky, the other party happened to be online at this time.After hearing what she said, he directly entered Patriarch Gu's phone number into the computer, and started to track it down.

After a while, the information Sheng Fenghua requested came out.

After getting Patriarch Gu's call records, Sheng Fenghua immediately passed them to Si Zhanbei and asked his people to check them.

With the call records, it is much faster to check.Without knowing it for half an hour, they knew who Patriarch Gu was looking for to deal with them.

Knowing who the other party was, Si Zhanbei asked people to check the background information of those people.I don't know if I don't check, this check was a big surprise.

It turns out that many things in the Gu family have some traces of this person.In other words, these people have a long-term cooperative relationship with the Gu family.

Moreover, such an investigation has brought out a lot of things.Si Zhanbei immediately passed the things he found to the people above.

Now, the people above are dealing with the Gu family. Since these people have such a close relationship with the Gu family, they should solve it together to avoid future troubles.

When the people above received Si Zhanbei's information, they also attached great importance to it and took immediate action.

At this time, the Gu family didn't know that Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei had already known his plan and were still proud of their cleverness.

Although many members of the Gu family were taken away these days, he was not worried.Because he has gone through the upper-level relationship, he feels that these people from the Gu family will be fine soon.

What's more, he also arranged a retreat route, if something happened to the Gu family, he could retreat abroad.Because the overseas side has also been arranged according to schedule, we are waiting for the results here.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Gu felt relieved, and then began to pay attention to Sheng Fenghua's affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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