ace warm marriage

Chapter 1127 Borrowing a knife to kill

Chapter 1127 Killing with a Borrowed Knife ([-])
Ye family's treasure, but his heart disease.He has been planning for more than 20 years, but he has not succeeded until now, so he will never be reconciled.

That thing was of great use to him.Otherwise, he wouldn't have worked so hard.

The Patriarch of the Gu family thought about this, and thought about it further, but was going to ask if those people had set off.

So, he took out his phone and called.When he was sure that those people had already gone to G City, he was relieved.

With those people involved, things should be much easier to handle.At first, he actually wanted to find those people, but the price to pay was a bit high, so he thought it would be better to use people from the Gu family.

But he didn't want to, all the members of the Gu family fell into Sheng Fenghua's hands.If he had known this would happen, he would have let those people go out sooner.

Besides, those people invited by Patriarch Gu didn't stay for a moment after receiving the task, and set off directly from various places.

There are quite a few of them. In order to ensure that the task can be completed, all of them add up to about 50 people.Moreover, they didn't come together, they arrived in G city in batches by various means of transportation.

In this way, it became more difficult for Sheng Fenghua and the others to determine the target.Even if we know who is helping the Gu family, it is not easy to determine the identity of each person.

After a lot of work, Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua finally confirmed the identities of 20 people.After confirmation, let people watch secretly.

Fortunately, when those people arrived in G City, they didn't go straight to the target, but went to the hotel to rest first.In this way, Sheng Fenghua and the others, who have been busy for most of the night, can also take a rest first, and then prepare for the next day's battle.

Early the next morning, both Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei got up very early, and when they got up, they went directly to Ye Motang and told them to be more careful today, no matter where they went, they had to bring bodyguards with them.

The solemn confession of the two made him aware of the seriousness of the matter, and he couldn't help becoming worried, asking, "Is the person here this time very powerful?"

"Father, there are more people coming this time. We are worried that they will split into two groups, one to deal with you and the other to come home. So, you must be careful and ensure your own safety. , with us here, nothing will happen."

After hearing this, Ye Motang became even more worried, and said, "Why don't I go to work today?"

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei looked at each other, and after thinking about it, they thought it was okay, so they nodded and said, "That's okay, if the company has any urgent documents to sign, just ask the secretary or Uncle Lin to send them to your home. "

"Then I'll call Lin Feng." After Ye Motang finished speaking, he went back to his room to call Lin Feng.

Si Zhanbei and Sheng Fenghua went downstairs, and went to another villa without even having breakfast.After they arranged the personnel and assigned the tasks, they returned to Ye's house for breakfast.

After breakfast, the four of them stayed at home, waiting for those people to throw themselves into the net.

Besides, those people, as Sheng Fenghua guessed, planned to divide into two groups, one way to catch Ye Motang, and the other way to Ye's house, ready to catch Ye Qingge and Sheng Fenghua.

Some of them ambush Ye Motang on the way to the company, waiting for his car to appear, and then directly arrest them.

At this moment, they didn't even know that Ye Motang wasn't going to work today and was still waiting on the road foolishly.And another group of people came directly to Ye's house.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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