ace warm marriage

Chapter 1132 Annihilation of the whole army

Chapter 1132 The Entire Army Annihilated ([-])

After changing the room, the two of them had a good night's sleep without being disturbed again.Compared to them, the Patriarch of the Gu family stayed up all night.

He was waiting for the news and couldn't sleep at all.After waiting like this, I waited until dawn.

Seeing that the sky was already bright and there was no news, the face of the Patriarch of the Gu family became ugly.At this time, there is no news yet, and it is obvious that his own people have failed again.

This time, he sent five people, but he still missed.This Sheng Fenghua is an evildoer, so why can't he do anything about her every time?

Patriarch Gu was very angry and annoyed. He who hadn't slept all night became even more irritable. He waved all the things on the table to the ground.

"Sheng Fenghua, wait for me!" Patriarch Gu gritted his teeth and said, and then picked up the phone on the table and made a call, regardless of the dawn of the day.

As soon as the phone was connected, Patriarch Gu directly ordered the other party, saying, "Come to my place."

After finishing speaking, Patriarch Gu hung up the phone directly, and then waited at home.Half an hour later, a Bentley drove into Gu's house.

The door opened, and a man in his 30s got out of the car.There was a long scar on the man's face, which looked very scary.

When the servants of the Gu family saw him, they avoided him one by one.

The man with the scar didn't care either, he was used to this situation for a long time.He went straight into the gate and headed towards the study of the Patriarch of the Gu family.

"Patriarch!" The man with the scar entered the study, glanced at Patriarch Gu who was lying on the chair smoking a cigarette, and shouted.

"Xiaodao, you're here!" Patriarch Gu sat up slightly after hearing the voice, and glanced at the visitor.

"Patriarch, you came to me in such a hurry, what order do you have?" Xiao Dao glanced at Patriarch Gu and asked respectfully.

He is the confidant of Patriarch Gu and was once a killer.It's just that in recent years, I haven't done much by myself.

Today, the Patriarch Gu came to him, obviously because he encountered some difficult matter.

"Xiaodao, I want you to help me catch someone."

"Please tell the master!"

Patriarch Gu glanced at Xiaodao, then took a photo from the drawer and handed it to Xiaodao, saying: "This woman is called Sheng Fenghua, you go and help me catch her. Remember, I don't care what method you use. , as long as the person is arrested. Of course, he must live."

Xiaodao listened to Patriarch Gu's words, and after glancing at him, he lowered his head to look at the photo.When he saw the woman in the photo, he was slightly taken aback.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem?" Patriarch Gu looked at Xiaodao without expressing his opinion for a long time, and couldn't help asking.This knife has been with him for more than ten years, and it has been helping him deal with some difficult things before.It's just that in recent years, Xiaodao's subordinates have taken over some things, so Xiaodao doesn't do much.

But this time, he had to do it with a knife, otherwise he was worried.

Xiaodao came back to his senses, shook his head, and said, "No!"

"That's good!" Patriarch Gu felt relieved, and then said, "I'll give you two days to bring people to me."

"Patriarch, don't worry, Xiaodao will definitely complete the task." After Xiaodao finished speaking, he put away Sheng Fenghua's photo, and then left.

He also didn't ask where Sheng Fenghua was now, as a killer.He has his own way of finding people.

Therefore, not long after he left the Gu family, he knew where Sheng Fenghua was staying, and then began to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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