ace warm marriage

Chapter 1133 Annihilation of the whole army

Chapter 1133 The Entire Army Annihilated ([-])

Although Patriarch Gu gave him two days, he didn't plan to use two days.He felt that there was enough time in a day, and any more would be a waste.

Two hours had passed since Knife got things ready.He didn't leave immediately, but went back to his room to rest.

This is his habit. Before each mission, he will take a good night's sleep to ensure that he is in the best state of mind.

After sleeping for two hours, seeing that it was almost eleven o'clock, Xiao Dao started to prepare lunch.This is also another habit of his mission, which is to have enough food.

After eating, we rested for half an hour.Only then did Xiaodao set off with his equipment, heading for the hotel where Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei were staying.

When they arrived at the hotel, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei were not in the room.So Xiaodao was not in a hurry, but took a look at the room, and then found a place to hide it.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei left the hotel early in the morning to run errands, but they did not check out.

Although a few uninvited guests came last night, they were not afraid.Moreover, they had a premonition that the Patriarch of the Gu family would definitely have another move, maybe he would send someone.

The two went out for a whole day and didn't come back until night.

After returning to the hotel, the two did not go back to the room immediately, but first asked the front desk if anyone came to them during the day.

When the receptionist told them that someone had indeed come to look for them, the two looked at each other, thanked the receptionist, and then walked towards the elevator.

Entering the elevator, Sheng Fenghua glanced at Si Zhanbei, his face turned serious, and said, "It seems that someone is waiting for us in the room."

"Yeah, we have to be careful."

"Understood. People shouldn't be so stupid this time."

"That's natural. Patriarch Gu thinks highly of us, and the people he recruits will definitely become more powerful every time." Si Zhanbei was in a rare good mood, and joked.

"It's okay, we're not bad either!" Sheng Fenghua smiled and gestured with his fist.For the uninvited guest in the room, there is some anticipation.

These days, although they have dealt with many people from the Gu family, there are not many opportunities to really fight.Sheng Fenghua's pent-up anger never came out.

If the people in the room are powerful, it can just let her vent a bit.

The elevator stopped.The two got out of the elevator and headed towards the room where they lived.

When they came to the door of the room, the two waited, paused, and then took out the room card and opened the door.The door opened, and Si Zhanbei walked in first.

As soon as he entered the room, he felt something strange, and then his whole body tensed up instantly.But at this time, a strong wind came from behind the door, attacking him.

Si Zhanbei sideways, dodged the opponent's blow, and then started to fight back.

Xiaodao had already expected that Sheng Fenghua would be difficult to deal with, so he made complete preparations.He didn't get discouraged when the sneak attack failed, but started to fight Si Zhanbei seriously.

When he checked Sheng Fenghua before, he knew that there was a man beside Sheng Fenghua.Therefore, he specially prepared some extra things.

However, Xiaodao did not expect that Si Zhanbei was so capable of fighting, and even gained the upper hand.Seeing that his fist couldn't beat Si Zhanbei, Xiaodao immediately drew the dagger from his body and stabbed towards Si Zhanbei's body.

He is not a person who accepts death, as long as he can complete the task, he will not care so much.

The speed of the knife was very fast, Si Zhanbei was not on guard for a while, and almost got hit.Seeing that Sheng Fenghua was terrified, his heart was in his throat.

 The sixth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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