ace warm marriage

Chapter 1134 The Patriarch of the Ancient Family

Chapter 1134 Gu Family Patriarch ([-])

She wanted to go to help, but she was worried that it would be a waste of help.Moreover, she could see that the man in front of her was not easy to deal with.Although it was only one person, it was more powerful than all the people sent by Patriarch Gu before combined.

Fortunately, Si Zhanbei reacted quickly, the knife didn't stab him, it just cut his clothes.Seeing that he didn't hurt Si Zhanbei, Xiaodao felt very sorry.

Si Zhanbei, on the other hand, was a little annoyed, his eyes turned cold, and his attacks became more and more ruthless.

Because of the short knife in his hand, the small knife has a lot of advantages.However, his advantage didn't last long, and he was kicked off by Si Zhanbei.

Kicking off the dagger in Xiaodao's hand, Si Zhanbei lost his scruples and fought more fiercely.

Sheng Fenghua glanced at the short knife that fell on the ground, and picked it up.She didn't want the dagger to fall back into Xiaodao's hands again.

Although Xiaodao's skill is good, he is not the opponent of Si Zhanbei.Ten minutes later, Si Zhanbei beat him to the ground.

After knocking down the knife, Si Zhanbei went forward to restrain his hands, and found something to tie them up, and then sat down to have a good chat with the other party.

He knew that the knife was not as simple as an ordinary killer.

It's just that Xiaodao didn't want to chat with Si Zhanbei, and kept silent all the time.On the contrary, the gaze that looked at Sheng Fenghua was extremely complicated.

"You know me?" Sheng Fenghua felt that Xiaodao was looking at him strangely, so he couldn't help asking.

Xiaodao didn't speak, but shook his head.He didn't know Sheng Fenghua, he just met him once.

Xiaodao didn't say anything, and Sheng Fenghua didn't care.In any case, the knife is an enemy in her eyes.Regardless of whether the other party knows her or not, she will not be merciful to her enemies.

After asking for a while, Xiaodao still didn't say anything.Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei's patience was limited, and they didn't ask any more questions. Instead, they knocked people unconscious, and then started a body search.

This search turned up a lot of things.They put out the things they found one by one, and put them on the table.

Among these things, the most valuable is the mobile phone.With a mobile phone with a small knife, it is much faster to check some things.

Through the mobile phone, the two quickly knew Xiaodao's identity and that he was the confidant of the Patriarch of the Gu family.Sheng Fenghua was wondering if he would meet the head of the Gu family, but this knife's mobile phone was of great help.

The two made a phone call and had the knife taken away and locked up, then went directly to the place where the Patriarch of the Gu family lived.

An hour later, the two arrived at the place where the Patriarch of the Gu family lived.When they arrived at the place, the two didn't go in right away, but walked around the area first, then carefully avoided the sentry post, and sneaked into the Gu's house quietly.

It was dark at night, but the Patriarch of the Gu family hadn't rested yet.He is still busy in the study. Too many things have happened in the Gu family recently, and he is already overwhelmed.

But even so, he didn't say that he would let Sheng Fenghua's matter go.

Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei sneaked into the study room, but the Patriarch of the Gu family who was on the phone didn't notice anyone coming in at all.One is because he has always been confident in the defense of the Gu family, and the other is because no one dares to touch the Gu family easily.

So, when he finished making the phone call, he looked at Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei who were sitting across from him with a smile on his face, his expression changed, and he moved his hand to get the pistol in the drawer.

However, just as his hand touched the pistol, Sheng Fenghua's muzzle was already pointed at his head.

"Patriarch Gu, don't come here without any problems!" Sheng Fenghua said with a smile, but his eyes were extremely cold.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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