ace warm marriage

Chapter 1137 The Patriarch of the Ancient Family

Chapter 1137 The Patriarch of the Ancient Family ([-])

Could it be that things disappeared more than 20 years ago?Or, did the person surnamed Ye simply not have that thing in his hands?
Patriarch Gu's mind was a little messed up.He hadn't seen that thing, only heard about it.

At that time, his wife suddenly fell ill and couldn't wake up.He sought medical advice everywhere, but he still didn't get better.Until he met a master who told him that the Ye family had a treasure that could bring people back to life.

As long as he got that treasure, his wife would be able to wake up.

For that treasure, he took out all his money, just asking to borrow one of that treasure to save his wife's life.But the Ye family was unwilling to say anything, which made him very annoyed.

Not only that, but also let people drive him away.

Later, he went to beg the people of the Ye family and knelt at the door of the Ye family for three days and three nights.But the Ye family was still unwilling to lend him anything.

Seeing his wife getting thinner and thinner, seeing his wife was about to die, he had no choice but to arrest several members of the Ye family.

He arrested the members of the Ye family and used them to threaten the head of the Ye family, if he didn't give him the things, he would kill them.But Patriarch Ye still insisted on refusing to give it, and in the end he was so angry that he had to kill everyone.

With the thought of killing, he couldn't control it anymore, and directly wiped out the Ye family.But even so, the thing was not found in the end.

Until now, more than 20 years have passed, and his wife is still in the ice coffin, but he has not been able to save her.

Seeing it, it was the deadline that the master said.If he can't find that thing again, then his wife will never be able to live again.

That's why he desperately wanted to get that thing, and even wanted to ignore the crisis of the Gu family.For him, if he couldn't save his wife, all the things he had done for decades would be meaningless.

For this reason, no matter what the price, he must find that thing.

"do not know!"

Seeing Patriarch Gu with an uncertain face, Sheng Fenghua shook his head.For some reason, she suddenly felt that Patriarch Gu might not know what kind of thing it was.

Patriarch Gu's face turned ugly.I thought Sheng Fenghua would know, but he didn't want to know.

After thinking about it, Patriarch Gu decided to arrest Sheng Fenghua first.Because at the beginning, the master told him that thing.

Now, the master has been at the Gu family, as long as he catches Sheng Fenghua and brings him in front of the master, he will naturally know whether she has the treasure on her body.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Gu looked at Sheng Fenghua and said in a cold voice: "Sheng Fenghua, whether you really don't know or pretend you don't know, since you have come to your door today, then stay."

Hearing this, Sheng Fenghua's face darkened, and he moved his finger, as if he was about to pull the trigger.

And Si Zhanbei also moved a position at the first time, arrived beside the Gu family, and shot at him.Patriarch Gu didn't expect Si Zhanbei to be so fast. His hand was pressing on the mechanism of the chair, and before he pressed it down, Si Zhanbei controlled him.

As for Sheng Fenghua, he also came in front of Patriarch Gu and put the gun on his forehead.

"You?" Patriarch Gu looked at Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei in shock, feeling a surge of fear in his heart.The reason he was dealing with Sheng Fenghua before was to make them relax their vigilance, and then activate the switch on the seat.

As long as the switch is turned on, no matter how powerful Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei are, they will be unable to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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