ace warm marriage

Chapter 1138 The Patriarch of the Ancient Family

Chapter 1138 The Patriarch of the Ancient Family ([-])

But he never thought that the vigilance of the two of them was so strong that not only were they not fooled, but they had already been wary of him.

Sheng Fenghua looked at Patriarch Gu with a half-smile, with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of his mouth, and asked: "Patriarch Gu, winner and loser, you are now in my hands, what do you think I should do with you?"

"Say, should I learn from you and just wipe out the Gu family?" Thinking of the Ye family that had been wiped out, Sheng Fenghua really wanted to fight back like this.

Unfortunately, she can't.Because now it is not only a legal society, but she is also a soldier.She can't break the law knowingly, all she does is collect evidence, and then send Patriarch Gu to prison, and let the law rule him.

"How dare you!" Patriarch Gu stared fiercely at Sheng Fenghua.Thinking that I have lived most of my life, and finally fell into the hands of such a yellow-haired girl like her, I feel hatred in my heart.

If I had known that Sheng Fenghua was so difficult to deal with, if I had known that she didn't know what that thing was, he would just have someone kill him.What are you spending so much on?
It's a good thing now, instead of grabbing Sheng Fenghua, he was caught by Sheng Fenghua instead, which is a great shame.

The patriarch of his dignified ancient family, a person who would have shocked the entire G province by stomping his feet, unexpectedly fell into the hands of a yellow-haired girl, and was even threatened.Do you want his face when you go out in the future?

"Patriarch Gu, if you dare, why don't I? Since you have to do the first grade of junior high school, you have to be prepared not to do the fifteenth grade, right?"

"You!" Patriarch Gu was very angry, even though it is a legal society now.But if Sheng Fenghua's energy is strong enough, even if he is killed, or even everyone in the Gu family is killed, as long as the things he and the Gu family have done before are exposed, they will only be jailed for a few years at most.

"Patriarch Gu, if you don't want your Gu family to end up with no one left. Then, I advise you to be more sensible. I will ask you what you will answer later."

"Don't think about it!"

"It seems that you don't want to drink a toast, and you have to drink as a punishment." Sheng Fenghua knew this would happen a long time ago, so he went up and gave Patriarch Gu a shot, and then Si Zhanbei quietly took him away together. ancient home.

They spent too much time here, and they would really be discovered if they left.

To be honest, the defense of this ancient family is quite good.It's just that if you meet the two of them, otherwise no one else will want to come in at all.

Half an hour after the two left the Gu's house, the bodyguards of the Gu's house discovered what had happened.So, they rushed to the study one by one, only to find that Patriarch Gu had disappeared.

The master was gone, and the bodyguards panicked immediately, and immediately searched around.It's a pity that they searched all night, but they couldn't find anyone.

At this time, in a house not far from the Gu family, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei were interrogating the Gu family master.In order to extract useful information from the mouth of the Patriarch of the Gu family, and to make him confess his crimes on his own initiative, Sheng Fenghua used some good things for him.

The two asked for a full hour before they finished asking what they needed.Sheng Fenghua recorded what Patriarch Gu said verbatim, and then handed it over to Si Zhanbei, along with the materials, for him to deliver to the people above.

Si Zhanbei is preparing to set off with people and materials.Unexpectedly, at this time, an unexpected guest suddenly came to the house, not only injured Si Zhanbei, but also rescued Patriarch Gu.

Si Zhanbei was injured, Sheng Fenghua didn't bother to chase the person who rescued Patriarch Gu, but quickly stepped forward to check his injury.

(End of this chapter)

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