ace warm marriage

Chapter 1148 The Man Behind the Scenes

Chapter 1148 The Man Behind the Scenes ([-])

The snake saw Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei following up, and then swam quickly.It quickly left the wing, walked through the corridor, and then stopped outside another wing.

"We live here?" Sheng Fenghua pointed to the wing room and asked the snake leading the way.The snake nodded, then raised its head and hit the door a few times.

Following the snake's movement, the door opened a crack.

One snake swam in first, while the other snake still followed Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei, as if preventing them from escaping.

Sheng Fenghua reached out and pushed open the door of the wing room, and looked inside.This wing room is about the same size as the previous one, the only difference is that there is a bed and a chair in this wing room.

Obviously, this place is specially for those who come to worship Buddha to rest or stay.

After taking a look at the whole wing room, Sheng Fenghua went to the bed and sat down, then poured himself a cup of tea and poured another cup for Si Zhanbei.

However, before drinking the tea, she still smelled it first and tried it with a silver needle to make sure it was not poisonous before she dared to drink it.

Just now in the next door, although the master made tea, they dared not take a sip for fear of being poisoned.

After drinking tea, the two went to bed to rest.Those two snakes watched the two go to bed, and immediately coiled up in front of the bed, guarding the two.

Fortunately, the two of them are quite courageous, and they are not very afraid of snakes.In addition, knowing that it would be useful for the master to keep them, he closed his eyes with peace of mind.

The two of them closed their eyes, but they were not in a deep sleep, but in a light sleep.

Besides, the master, after leaving the wing room, went directly to the backyard.In the backyard, there is a room like a study, which contains many scriptures.

But behind the shelf of the scriptures, there is a hidden secret passage.The master opened the mechanism and entered the secret passage.

At the end of the dark passage is a secret room.Inside sat a man, waiting for him.

If Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei were here, they would be able to recognize at a glance that the person sitting there was none other than the Patriarch of the Gu family who had been rescued before.

"Master, you are back." Hearing the sound, the Patriarch of the Gu Family turned around.

"En!" The master responded lightly, and then sat down opposite Patriarch Gu.

"Patriarch Gu, I have something to ask you."

"Master, please tell me!" Patriarch Gu said respectfully.He has known the master for more than 20 years, and in the past 20 years, he has grown older day by day, but the master is the same as when he first met him more than 20 years ago, without any change.

Sometimes, he even wondered if this master was a legendary fairy, otherwise he wouldn't age at all.

Because of this, he is extremely convinced and respectful to the master.In addition, the master told him that the treasures of the Ye family could save his sleeping wife, so he trusted the master even more.

As long as the master ordered him to do it, he would do it.As long as he has to say, he will listen.

Now, seeing that there are only a few months before the resurrection deadline that the master told him, he has to get the treasure as soon as possible, and then wake up his wife.

"Patriarch Gu, as far as I know, that Sheng Fenghua is only Ye Mubai's granddaughter, and Ye Mubai was already dead when she was born, how can you be sure that the treasure is on her body?"

"Master, you?" Patriarch Gu was taken aback, looking at the master, not understanding why he said that.Isn't it obvious that things are on Sheng Fenghua's body?

(End of this chapter)

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