ace warm marriage

Chapter 1149 The Man Behind the Scenes

Chapter 1149 The Man Behind the Scenes ([-])

20 years ago, they wiped out the entire Ye family but did not find that treasure.That must have been hidden by the Ye family, or left to his descendants.

But Ye Qingge is the only surviving descendant of the Ye family. Unlike Ye Qingquan's illegitimate father, Ye Qingge is the authentic Ye family.

If Ye Mubai wanted to keep something, it would definitely be left to Ye Qingge.It's just that they spent 20 years on Ye Qingge's body, but they still couldn't find that thing. Obviously, it wasn't on her body.

Of course, it wasn't on Ye Motang's body, that was something they had repeatedly confirmed.

Since things are not on their husband and wife, it is likely to be left to their children.And Sheng Fenghua was their child.Therefore, something must be in Sheng Fenghua's body.

"Tell me!" The master glanced at Patriarch Gu lightly, and he felt that what Sheng Fenghua said was not unreasonable.How old is she, and the thing has been missing for 20 years, how would she know?
"Master, it's not on Ye Mubai's daughter or his son-in-law, so where else can it be? It can only be on his granddaughter."

"Did you rely on this deduction to determine?" The master's face turned ugly, he thought Patriarch Gu and the others had discovered something before saying that it was on Sheng Fenghua's body.

But now, Patriarch Gu told him that it was just an inference.Damn, inferences are just inferences, not facts.

Is it possible that he wants to rejoice in vain again?Could it be that the 20 years of waiting have been in vain?
The more the master thought about it, the more ugly his face became, and the hostility in his body kept rising, which made Patriarch Gu terrified, and looked at him timidly, not daring to say a word.

"Speak!" Seeing that Patriarch Gu stopped talking, the master roared.How much effort and how long he waited to get that treasure, but in the end he had to wait in vain, was the effort in vain?
Twenty years ago, he was single, but the Ye family had a big business, and the reputation of the Ye family in the local area was excellent.In order to get what he wanted from the Ye family, he purposely found the relatively powerful Gu family.

He found out that the Patriarch of the Gu family loves his wife like his life, and purposely used poison to control his wife, making her fall into a coma, just to force the Gu family to seek the treasure from the Ye family.

He knew that the Ye family would definitely not take out the treasure, so he persuaded Patriarch Gu to destroy Ye's entire family.He thought that if the Ye family was destroyed, the treasure would fall into his hands.But who knows, the Ye family is gone, but there is no news about the treasure.

They searched every corner of Ye's house, but found nothing.They couldn't find anything, so they started to check if there was anyone alive in the Ye family.

Finally, they found it, and that was Ye Qingge, Ye Mubai's daughter.So, they found Ye Qingge's school, trying to catch her and ask her whereabouts.

But who knew, they escaped, and they escaped for more than a year.When they found Ye Qingge, they didn't find that treasure either.

Later, they suspected that the object was on Ye Qingge's husband, so they tortured him severely.But still nothing was gained.

They didn't ask anything, and they were unwilling, thinking that the couple had packed things up.Therefore, he asked people from the Gu family to rescue Ye Qingge's husband, trying to influence him with kindness and let him take the initiative to hand over the treasure.

However, they miscalculated again.Ye Qingge's husband lost part of his memory, not to mention treasures, he couldn't even remember who he was.

(End of this chapter)

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