ace warm marriage

Chapter 1155 Killing and Seizing Treasure

Chapter 1155 Killing and Seizing Treasure ([-])
The master glanced at the person who spoke, and replied lightly: "Look for something!"

After finishing speaking, without further explanation, he directly instructed his subordinates, "Hurry up."

Those people speeded up, and in the blink of an eye, the entire wing room was demolished.The wing room was dismantled, but there was still no movement, the master's face was very ugly.

He glanced around, and for a while felt that this place was the hiding place of the two of them.For a while, I felt that that place was also the place where the two of them hid.

Thinking about it this way, he took pictures here and there, making those watching the scene even more puzzled.But no one dared to say anything.

Because the master gave them a strange feeling just now and now, as if he would explode at any time.

The wing room was originally not big, even if it was demolished, it would not be too big.So even if the master just slapped here and there, he quickly slapped the entire wing.

But he still didn't see people coming out as he expected.

As a result, the master became more and more frantic.At this moment, he even doubted his two snakes, wondering if they didn't keep a watch on them, which made them run away in the first place.

But after thinking about it, I found it impossible.Because he touched the quilt before, and it was warm, and it didn't look like there was no one there for a long time.

In the end, the master still felt that the two should be in the wing room.However, what puzzled him was why he tried everything but failed to force the two of them out?

When the master was going crazy, Sheng Fenghua was still in the pharmacy.It is not easy to make the kind of medicine that can poison people no matter whether they touch it or smell it.

She tried it several times without success, and the medicinal materials were almost used up.

So, she stopped what she was doing, and prepared to go to the medicine field to gather some medicinal materials.When Sheng Fenghua arrived at the medicine field, Si Zhanbei happened to be still in the medicine field, and he was catching bugs for some medicinal materials.

Seeing him catching bugs, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help laughing, and said, "When did you become so careless, and you actually caught bugs?"

However, when she saw clearly what kind of bug Si Zhanbei was catching, her eyes lit up and she smiled happily.

She had always felt that something was missing, so the medicines that were formulated were always lacking in heat.

Seeing this bug, she immediately understood what was missing.So, she stepped forward suddenly, snatched the worm that Si Zhanbei had just caught, then kissed him hard on the lips, and said, "Honey, I love you so much!"

Si Zhanbei was taken aback by Sheng Fenghua's sudden movement and the voice of husband, staring at her blankly, it took him a while to react.

Just when he was about to grab her head and deepen the kiss well.Sheng Fenghua turned his head quickly, and then ran away.

Seeing the background of Sheng Fenghua's departure, Si Zhanbei was extremely depressed.

Speaking of which, these days, they are busy, and the two of them have not had a good relationship.This time, it's rare that Sheng Fenghua called her husband and offered to send kisses, but didn't give him a chance to continue. It's really depressing.

Si Zhanbei left the medicine field with a depressed face, and then returned to the laboratory.Seeing the closed door of the pharmacy, after thinking about it, he still didn't bother her.

There will be plenty of opportunities for intimacy in the future.It's better to deal with that master first, otherwise keeping him will always be a big threat.

It is better to send such people to special institutions to be locked up, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to them in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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