ace warm marriage

Chapter 1156 Killing and Seizing Treasure

Chapter 1156 Killing and Seizing Treasure ([-])
Thinking so, Si Zhanbei turned and went back to his room.

Sheng Fenghua stayed in the room for several hours, until it was almost time for lunch, and then the medicine was dispensed.

And Si Zhanbei is already preparing lunch for the two of them, fish porridge.

After lunch, Sheng Fenghua went back to the pharmacy and dispensed the antidote.They have to confront the master head-on, and there is no guarantee that they will not come into contact with the poison, so they still have to get the antidote in advance.

Fortunately, the speed of making the antidote is much faster, and it can be done in two hours.After the antidote and poison were ready, Sheng Fenghua went to rest.

The two planned to go out again at night, so they had to take a good rest if there was still time.Otherwise, once they fight at night, they will be overwhelmed.

As for the master, he stayed outside for most of the day.Even the meals were sent to the demolished wing to eat.

But even so, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei still didn't come out.Over time, his patience has long since worn out.

In addition, it was night again, and everyone in the monastery went back to their rooms to rest, so he said again: "Sheng Fenghua, I know you are still here, if you are sensible, come out quickly, or the old man will set fire to you later." , directly burn you and this place together."

Setting fire to this place is the method that the master just came up with. He felt that there is no way to force people out by beating, so it is better to try it with fire.

As soon as the fire started, he didn't believe that the two of them could still hide.

If Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei didn't want to go out earlier and deal with the master earlier, they would definitely let it go when they heard this.

Because, no matter what happens outside, they will have no influence in the space.

It's just that they don't have much time, and their vacation is almost used up, so they have to report back to the army or military academy earlier.

So, shortly after listening to the master's words, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei came out of the space.

The master wasn't sure that the two of them would show up after he finished saying the words of burning with fire.So, when I saw the two people who appeared out of thin air, I was still slightly taken aback.

But soon, he reacted, and then he was ecstatic.

"Sheng Fenghua, I thought you guys were not afraid of death. You are also afraid of death. Why don't you hide, keep hiding. The old man has never set fire to a house, so I just want to give it a try."

"Master, just tell me what exactly you want to do!" Sheng Fenghua looked at the master coldly and asked.

"Sheng Fenghua, don't you know what the old man wants to do?" The master's face was a little cold, thinking that he was deceived by Sheng Fenghua, he wished so much.

He has lived for more than 100 years, and he was actually cheated by a little girl, which really pissed him off.

"Master, please explain clearly." Sheng Fenghua said a few words lightly, which made the master even more angry.With a wave of his hand, he was ready to attack Sheng Fenghua.

Seeing the master's movements, Sheng Fenghua's face changed, and while stepping back, he took out something from his body, held it in his hand, and said, "Master, if you do it, I don't mind giving this treasure to you." destroyed."

As Sheng Fenghua spoke, he pretended that he really wanted to destroy the treasure.

Hearing Sheng Fenghua's words and seeing what she was holding, the master's expression changed.The waving hand stopped immediately and shouted: "Stop!"

"Master, let's talk about the conditions!" Sheng Fenghua stopped what he was doing, looked at the master and said.

"Sheng Fenghua, what demon moth are you going to show again?" The master looked at Sheng Fenghua warily. He was cheated by her once before, but he didn't want to be cheated a second time.

(End of this chapter)

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