ace warm marriage

Chapter 1159 The Beauty Disappears

Chapter 1159 Fenghua Disappears ([-])

After the master finished speaking, he raised his hand directly, and was about to attack Si Zhanbei.Sheng Fenghua looked at it, and immediately became anxious, and shouted: "No!"

"Why, are you reluctant?" The master paused, looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "If you are reluctant, just obediently take out the antidote, or I will kill you two together."

"Master, this is not the ancient times. Anyone who kills people will be imprisoned. Besides, this is a monastery. Don't monks have compassion in mind? They can't even kill, let alone kill people?"

Sheng Fenghua tried to reason with the master, trying to delay the time.Because the treasure is still in the master's hands, even if he taps the acupoints to control Du Manyan, he will still be poisoned after a long time.

Therefore, she wanted to prolong the time and let the master be poisoned a second time.

It's just that the master has lived longer than Sheng Fenghua's two lifetimes.How could he not know what her idea was.

So, he pushed Si Zhanbei away, met Sheng Fenghua again, and said coldly: "Sheng Fenghua, do you want to delay time?"

"Master's words are serious, Fenghua dare not!"

"Don't dare?" The master sneered, and said, "I think you are very brave. Do you think that if you poison the old man, the old man will be disposed of by you?"

"Don't you look at who this old man is? When this old man was playing with drugs, let alone you, even your grandfather Ye Mubai was still playing with mud."

Sheng Fenghua didn't speak, but lowered his head, wondering if he could hurt the opponent if he made a move at this time.

After reviewing the evaluation, Sheng Fenghua decided to give it a try.Anyway, the master will not let them go, so it is better to fight than to wait for death without doing anything.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua suddenly pulled out a military thorn from his body, and then stabbed at the master's foot.

The master never thought that Sheng Fenghua was injured so badly, and he dared to do it.He didn't pay attention for a while, until he felt the pain in his foot, then he realized it, then instinctively raised his other foot, and kicked Sheng Fenghua hard.

With such a kick, Sheng Fenghua was kicked into the air by him, and then thrown out heavily.

When Sheng Fenghua made a move, Si Zhanbei also moved. He took out a pistol from his body and pointed it at the master's chest.

As the gunshots continued, the bullet flew towards Grandmaster, but it missed his chest instead of hitting him.

Because of this shot and Sheng Fenghua's sneak attack, the master fell to the ground.With his movement, the treasure in his hand was thrown out, and it landed on the ground at the same time as Sheng Fenghua who was kicked out.

Sheng Fenghua was seriously injured, but now he was kicked by the master again, and the injury was even worse.A few mouthfuls of blood spewed out directly from the mouth.

The blood spurted out, and it happened to be all sprinkled on the box containing the treasure.

The treasure was stained with blood, and suddenly emitted a burst of dazzling light, illuminating the entire night.In this ray of light, Sheng Fenghua, who was seriously injured, was suddenly wrapped up, and then disappeared in place.

Si Zhanbei saw that Sheng Fenghua was injured, and after hitting the master with a shot, he walked towards her.But when he was about to reach her, he was blocked by the sudden light and jumped out a few meters away.

When he stood still again and looked at Sheng Fenghua, he found that she had disappeared.

The daughter-in-law disappeared!
This thought flashed through Si Zhanbei's mind, causing him to change his expression, and shouted: "Daughter-in-law! Daughter-in-law! Daughter-in-law!"

Unfortunately, no matter how Si Zhanbei shouted, there was no response at all except his own voice.

(End of this chapter)

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