ace warm marriage

Chapter 1160 The Beauty Disappears

Chapter 1160 The Beauty Disappears ([-])

Si Zhanbei panicked and ran towards the place where Sheng Fenghua had disappeared before.

But where there should have been people, there was nothing but a pool of blood.

Sheng Fenghua really disappeared!
His daughter-in-law just disappeared.

Si Zhanbei went crazy.Turning his head, he looked fiercely at the master lying on the ground, it was all because of him.If it weren't for him, the daughter-in-law would not disappear.

Si Zhanbei, who had already lost his mind because of Sheng Fenghua's sudden disappearance, had already lost his mind.At this moment, he had completely forgotten about the fact that Sheng Fenghua had space.

However, this cannot be blamed on him.Because before, Sheng Fenghua was seriously injured by the master, and he vomited so much blood.

In addition to his panic about Sheng Fenghua's disappearance, he was more afraid of shooting the master twice and seriously injuring Sheng Fenghua.He was afraid that the master had already hurt Sheng Fenghua's life with two shots.

Si Zhanbei walked up to Grandmaster.At this time, the master was poisoned first, and then he was injured by Sheng Fenghua, and he was also shot, so he was not much better at all.

However, at this moment, in addition to shock, his eyes were still shocked.He only knew that the treasure could come back from the dead and become invisible, but he never thought that the treasure could emit such a dazzling light.

By the way, he had seen a treasure glow once before.That was the time when he himself came back to life, but the light was not as dazzling that time, and it also bloomed, the kind of flower on that box.

But today, he didn't see the flowers blooming, nor did he see anything come back from the dead, only Sheng Fenghua disappeared.

She disappeared, and she disappeared in front of his face.

The master couldn't recover, until Si Zhanbei's eyes full of hatred fell on him, then he recovered slightly and looked at him.

"Master, my wife is gone, what do you think I should do with you?" Si Zhanbei looked at the master coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Originally, he and Sheng Fenghua planned well. They wanted to keep the master alive, and then lock him up so that they wouldn't be affected.

But now, he just wants to kill and avenge Sheng Fenghua.

"You want to kill me?" The master looked at Si Zhanbei and asked with certainty.He could clearly see the murderous intent in Si Zhanbei's eyes, and knew that he had murderous intentions.

If it was before, when he heard this, he would be very happy to see the killing intent in Si Zhanbei's eyes.Because he has lived for too long and is too tired, he wants to die.

It's a pity that he couldn't commit suicide.Let others kill him, others are not his opponents.Therefore, he thought about destroying the treasure, and then disappeared with the treasure.

But now, he suddenly didn't want to die, and he suddenly felt that it was good to be alive.Of course, if you can get that treasure, that would be even better.

It's a pity that the treasure finally fell into Sheng Fenghua's hands, and disappeared with her.

"Master, you killed my wife, do you think I shouldn't kill you?" Si Zhanbei's voice was very cold, and his whole body was cold.

At this moment, he seemed to be suffering from a demon.He only wanted to do one thing now, and that was to kill the master in front of him and avenge Sheng Fenghua.

"Wait!" The master hurriedly said two words, then looked at Si Zhanbei and said, "You want to kill me because your wife disappeared?"

"What do you say?"

"But have you ever thought that although your wife disappeared, she might not be here anymore?" The master tried to analyze the reason for Si Zhanbei.Because Sheng Fenghua also disappeared before, but didn't he come out again later?
(End of this chapter)

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