ace warm marriage

Chapter 1167 Death of the Master

Chapter 1167 Death of the Master ([-])

This is the person he has always regarded as a god. It turns out that he is not only afraid of death, but also a despicable villain.

"You want to kill me?" The master looked at Patriarch Gu and asked with a frown.

"What do you think?" Patriarch Gu looked at him and asked back.

"If I say, I can save your wife, will you still kill me?" The master took a deep look at Patriarch Gu and asked.

"What did you say?" Patriarch Gu's expression changed, looking at the master, he couldn't believe his ears.The master actually said that he could save his wife?
is this real?If this is the case, does he still need revenge?
"I said it can save your wife." The master repeated.

"What you said is true? Can you really save my wife?" The Patriarch of the Gu family obviously didn't believe it.His wife has been in a coma for more than 20 years, can he be revived now?

In the past, he believed the master's words, saying that the treasure of the Ye family could save her.Therefore, in order to obtain the treasures of the Ye family, he did everything possible, and in the end he even wiped out the whole family of the Ye family.

Now, he said that he could save his wife, and he was deeply skeptical.

"Of course it's true. She fell into a coma after being poisoned by me. As long as I prepare the antidote, she can wake up." The master said while observing Patriarch Gu's expression changes.

Now, this is the only bargaining chip for him to stand up.If Patriarch Gu believed him, then he would not die.But if he doesn't believe it, how can he make him believe it?
"Then when will you be able to prepare the antidote?" Patriarch Gu asked, what if he could really revive his wife?

When Si Zhanbei heard the conversation between the two, he sneered and said, "Patriarch Gu, do you still believe his words? Don't forget, he has deceived you for more than 20 years."

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I can really save her." The master became anxious when he heard Si Zhanbei's words.Just now, he saw the expression on Patriarch Gu's face, and he had already loosened. He didn't want to lose everything because of Si Zhanbei's words.

"Master, am I talking nonsense? Even if you can really revive her, do you have the time? Don't forget, you are also poisoned. If there is no antidote, you can't survive, right?"

Patriarch Gu listened to Si Zhanbei's words, and then carefully looked at Grandmaster's face.He didn't look carefully just now, so he didn't notice the bluish gray on the master's face at all.

Looking at the face of the master, he knew that Si Zhanbei was not lying.The master was really poisoned, and it was quite serious.

In addition, the two wounds on his body were bleeding a lot. If he can't be treated in time, the master will definitely not survive.

Thinking of this, Patriarch Gu's expression changed again.He almost believed the master's words, almost fell for it.

He is not a fool, so he naturally knows what the master wants to do when he says that he can save his wife.

"You?" The master was so angry that he almost turned over.But this Si Zhanbei ruined his good deed, damn it.

The master wanted to beat someone, but he couldn't move, so he could only sit on the ground.

"Master, you want to use me again!" Patriarch Gu looked at the master mockingly, looked at his face full of anger, and said, "Do you think I'm easy to deceive?"

The master looked at Patriarch Gu, shook his head, and said, "I didn't lie to you. I can really save your wife and wake her up. You must believe me."

"Really? Does that mean I need to save you first, and then my wife?"

(End of this chapter)

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