ace warm marriage

Chapter 1168 Death of the Master

Chapter 1168 Death of the Master ([-])

"That's natural. I'm injured and poisoned now. Even if I want to save your wife, I'm powerless. With my state, there's no way I can make an antidote."

"Hehe!" Patriarch Gu laughed, he had expected this to happen.To save the master first, the master can save his wife.

But just now Si Zhanbei also said that the master will not live long at all.Moreover, he could also see that Grandmaster was at the end of his battle.

So, even if he saves him, he probably won't live long, so how can he help him wake up his wife?
"What are you laughing at?" The master frowned, looking at Patriarch Gu, not understanding what he was laughing at.

"Master, I originally planned to take revenge myself, but looking at you now, even if you don't take revenge, you won't live long. If this is the case, then why should I dirty my hands?"

Si Zhanbei frowned slightly after hearing what the Patriarch of the Gu family said.If Patriarch Gu didn't do anything, then Grandmaster would have at least a few hours to die.

Could it be that they really want to take the master away?

But if they took the master away, he must be healed.Because the people above would not want to see him do nothing.

Si Zhanbei was a little tangled, he glanced at Patriarch Gu, and was thinking about how to persuade him, when Patriarch Gu suddenly raised his foot and kicked Grandmaster.

"Master, I won't kill you. But it doesn't mean that I can bear this tone. You killed my wife, lied to me for more than 20 years, and made me do many things that are not reasonable, so I just kicked you a few times , it’s already cheap for you.”

Patriarch Gu kicked Grandmaster while talking.

It's just that Patriarch Gu himself was so hungry that he didn't have much strength, so he didn't react at all when he kicked Grandmaster.

Not only that, but because of too much force, he couldn't stand upright and fell to the ground, right beside the master.

Seeing Patriarch Gu fall down and fall beside him, Grandmaster's gaze flashed, and he suddenly had an idea.I saw him roll over, turned sideways, quickly stretched out his hand to grab Patriarch Gu's neck, then looked up at Si Zhanbei, and threatened: "You let me go, or I will kill him!"

Patriarch Gu was very angry when he heard the words.It never occurred to him that he would kill Grandmaster if he didn't kill him.Sure enough, one cannot be soft-hearted in life, otherwise the one who dies is himself.

At this time, he was pinched by the master, he was a little out of breath, and his face began to flush.But, who wants to die so easily.So, he struggled, trying to break free from the master's grasp.

It's a pity that he was already exhausted from starvation, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't beat the master.Not only that, but the master pinched him even tighter because he was struggling so much.

After hearing the master's words, Si Zhanbei saw him pinched together with the Patriarch of the Gu family, his eyes turned cold, and he ordered his subordinates: "Go and pull them away!"

The subordinates responded and were about to step forward when something unexpected happened.Seeing that the Patriarch of the Gu Family did not know where the strength came from, he suddenly turned over and sat on the master.

The master was already injured, but when the Patriarch of the Gu family sat down like this, the wound immediately hurt, causing him to gasp in pain.

The strength in my hand couldn't help but loosen.And as a result, the wound bleeds again.Si Zhanbei watched, his eyes flickered, and he gave his subordinates a pause gesture.

At this time, they must not step forward to mix, otherwise they will not be able to get rid of the responsibility when the master dies.

(End of this chapter)

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