ace warm marriage

Chapter 1173 Nanke 1 Dream

Chapter 1173
Seeing that the girl had made up her mind, the old lady finally agreed.So, she started to let the girl go out, let her go to a bell doctor, let her see the outside world.

The girl went to many places and met many customs and customs.Along the way, he treated patients and saved lives, and learned a lot.Her medical skills have advanced by leaps and bounds, and she has the reputation of a miracle doctor at a young age.

The monarchs of all countries treated her very politely and wanted to invite her to the palace as an imperial doctor, but she refused.She would rather be a charlatan than be stuck in one place.

Hard work pays off, her medical skills are getting better and better, and her reputation is getting bigger and bigger.At this time, she was already 30 years old, and the old lady was also getting older.

The girl returned to the old lady's side, accompanied her, took care of her, and then began to sort out the manuscripts of treating patients and saving lives over the years and perfecting the medical books left by her predecessors.

Soon after, the old lady passed away, and the woman took up the burden of the family and changed her surname.

Later, because the woman not only had superb medical skills, but also had a compassionate heart, God was moved, and God specially sent someone to give her a treasure called the Nine-Zhuan Linglong Pagoda.

There are nine floors in the tower, and there are not only precious herbs, but also pharmacopoeia, medicine stove and various prescriptions for curing diseases.

With the Nine Turns Exquisite Pagoda, the woman saved more and more people.When she was old, because of her immeasurable achievements, she directly became a medical fairy in the sky.

Later, the Nine-Zhuan Linglong Pagoda was passed down from generation to generation and became the treasure of the Ye family.And that woman is the ancestor of the Ye family, named Ye Qingchen.

After Sheng Fenghua finished reading the woman's life, he didn't feel hot anymore.At this time, she suddenly opened her eyes, only to realize that she was lying on the ground, and she was naked and without any clothes, her face turned red instantly.

Fortunately, it's not cold here.Instead, there is some temperature.

It's just that although there is no one else here, she is embarrassed to keep naked like this.So she planned to look around to see if there were any clothes in the tower.

With the pictures in her mind before, she quickly found a room.There are some clothes in the house, which were worn by the ancestors of the Ye family.

Sheng Fenghua didn't care too much at this time, and directly took a piece of clothing and put it on his body.

After getting dressed, she decided to take a good look around the tower.Before, there were some things in the tower mentioned in those pictures, and she had to go and see if there were any.

Sheng Fenghua wandered around the tower for a while, only to realize that there were still too few things mentioned in the previous picture.There are many rare treasures and precious herbs in it.

Especially the thousand-year-old ginseng, which opened her eyes even more.

Sheng Fenghua went around and spent a lot of time.It wasn't until the entire tower was visited that it stopped, and then walked towards the tower gate.

After leaving the tower gate and seeing the familiar Mei Lin, Sheng Fenghua realized that he was actually in the space.And the Nine Turns Linglong Pagoda stands tall.

Sheng Fenghua took a look at the tower, and didn't have time to worry about why it was in the middle of Merlin.There is only one thing on her mind now, and that is what happened to Si Zhanbei.

She was afraid that something would happen to Si Zhanbei, and she was even more afraid that he would do something stupid.She knew how deep Si Zhanbei's feelings for her were, and she knew that if she didn't go out for a long time, Si Zhanbei would definitely go crazy.

So, she hurried forward and returned to the laboratory, changed into her usual clothes, and then stepped out of the space.

However, when she got out of the space, she found that the destroyed wing was empty, not to mention people, not even a mosquito.

(End of this chapter)

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