ace warm marriage

Chapter 1174 Nanke 1 Dream

Chapter 1174
Not seeing Si Zhanbei, Sheng Fenghua reached into his pocket, wanting to call him.After touching nothing, she remembered that when she was in the space before, everything on her body was destroyed by the fire.

Sheng Fenghua couldn't help being a little anxious because he couldn't make a phone call and didn't see Si Zhanbei.Moreover, she also smelled a strong smell of blood and saw a large pool of blood on the ground.

She didn't know whose blood it was, so she became more and more anxious.This is a monastery, so if you want to make a phone call, you have to go out and make a call.

So, Sheng Fenghua turned around and walked towards the outside of the temple.

Fortunately, there are not many people in this temple, so it is convenient to go out.After leaving the monastery, Sheng Fenghua saw a shop with a telephone on the table in front.When I picked up the phone and was about to make a call, I found that I had no money on me.

This made her very anxious, so she looked at the shopkeeper and said, "Sister, I don't have any money with me, can I borrow your phone first, and then I will give you the money when my husband comes?"

The shopkeeper glanced at Sheng Fenghua and nodded.

"Thank you!" Sheng Fenghua thanked, and quickly dialed Si Zhanbei's number.

At this time, Si Zhanbei was on his way to the airport.It turned out that the trainer called and said that the time for the all-around martial arts competition had been advanced and asked him to go back early.

Si Zhanbei was very troubled answering the phone. He originally planned to wait here for a few days to see if Sheng Fenghua would come back.But now, the trainer called and he had to go back.

Because he had promised the trainer before that he would get the ranking in the competition.So, after struggling for a while, he finally decided not to wait for Sheng Fenghua for the time being, but to return to City B to participate in the competition first.When the competition is over, he will come back.

After making a decision, Si Zhanbei bought the air ticket for the day.

Hearing the phone ringing, Si Zhanbei took out his phone and looked at it. It was an unfamiliar number, and it was still a fixed number. He didn't pick it up right away, but hesitated.

Hearing the voice from the phone, Sheng Fenghua couldn't help being a little anxious, and kept saying in his heart: "Answer the phone, answer the phone quickly."

The phone rang for a minute, but Si Zhanbei didn't answer and hung up automatically.

Sheng Fenghua was not reconciled, so he called again.This time, Si Zhanbei picked it up and asked, "Hello!"

"Zhanbei, it's me!" Sheng Fenghua's voice came into Si Zhanbei's ears, which made him startled. It took him a while to react, and then he asked excitedly, "Daughter-in-law, is that you? Is it really you?" ?”

"Zhanbei, it's me!" Sheng Fenghua's voice clearly entered Si Zhanbei's ears, making him excited and happy, and asked, "Daughter-in-law, are you all right? Where are you?"

"Zhan Bei, are you free now? Can you come pick me up? My mobile phone is gone, and I have no money with me. This call is also from the phone I borrowed from the store."

"Tell me your address." Si Zhanbei didn't care about the plane leaving in an hour, at this moment he just wanted to see Sheng Fenghua.

So, after hearing the address Sheng Fenghua said, he immediately asked the driver to turn around and go to the address Sheng Fenghua said.

Along the way, he kept urging the driver to drive faster.He wanted to see Sheng Fenghua as soon as possible, and wanted to make sure that she was really all right.

An hour later, Si Zhanbei finally arrived at the place Sheng Fenghua had mentioned.When he saw the person waiting for him at the door of the store, his eyes became moist.

His little wife, really, is still alive, still alive.It's great, it's great, she's okay, she's alive.

(End of this chapter)

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