ace warm marriage

Chapter 1187 Punishing Mu Yuan

Chapter 1187 Punishing Mu Yuan ([-])

"Very good, you swallow this pill, and I'll put your hand back right away." Sheng Fenghua smiled, and stuffed the pill into Si Muyuan's mouth.

No, Si Muyuan spoke again and said, "Wait a minute!"

"What else do you want to say?" Sheng Fenghua frowned and asked.

"You connect one of my hands first, so that I can believe your words. Otherwise, what should I do if I eat the poison later and you go back on your word?" Talk about conditions.

Sheng Fenghua took a look at Si Muyuan, took the poison back, then moved his hand, and quickly took Si Muyuan's hand back.

Before Si Muyuan could react, she took it with her hand.But she cried out in pain, then glared at Sheng Fenghua and shouted, "Sheng Fenghua, did you do it on purpose?"

Sheng Fenghua looked at her, shrugged his shoulders innocently, and said, "What do you say, if you are not satisfied, you don't have to accept that hand."

"Yes, of course I have to. I don't want to be a cripple." Si Muyuan said quickly, then looked at Sheng Fenghua, and motioned for her to take the other hand as well.

Seeing her like this, Sheng Fenghua laughed and said, "Sister-in-law, did you forget something?"

"What's the matter?" Si Muyuan looked at Sheng Fenghua with a puzzled face, and said pretendingly: "What's the matter, can't we wait for you to help me connect the hand? Besides, you made this hand in the first place."

"It seems that my aunt is a noble person who forgets things too much. In this case, it is better to break the hand that has just been connected." Sheng Fenghua said while making gestures to take Si Muyuan's hand that was just connected. Broken hand.

Seeing her movements, Si Muyuan's expression changed, and she shouted: "Wait!"

"Is there anything else?" Sheng Fenghua looked at Si Muyuan and asked lightly.

"I remembered, you can bring that thing." Si Muyuan said unwillingly.

Sheng Fenghua laughed, put the pill in Si Muyuan's hand that had just received it, and said, "I've given you something, it's up to you whether you want to take it or not."

"What do you mean?" Si Muyuan looked at Sheng Fenghua suspiciously. She would be so kind that it would be okay if she didn't eat it?
"What I mean is, if you eat, I'll help you take the other hand back. If you don't eat, then forget it. Of course, you can also find someone else to take over for you, but I don't know if there will be sequelae gone."

"You?" Si Muyuan gave Sheng Fenghua a hard look, and she knew that she didn't mean well, and she did.

"I'll give you 1 minutes to think about it."

"No need, I'll take it now." After Si Muyuan finished speaking, she swallowed the medicine directly.As soon as the pill entered her stomach, a warm current rose in her body, making her feel comfortable.This made her very puzzled, isn't this pill poison?How could it make her so comfortable?

Si Muyuan didn't think too much, but looked at Sheng Fenghua and said, "Now, I've taken the poison too, should you take over for me?"

Sheng Fenghua took a look at Si Muyuan, decided to play tricks on her, and said, "Why are you in a hurry, it's still early. I'm tired, let's rest for a while."

After finishing speaking, she leaned back and closed her eyes, as if resting.

Si Muyuan frowned again, looked at Sheng Fenghua and gritted her teeth and said, "Sheng Fenghua, are you kidding me?"

Sheng Fenghua closed his eyes and ignored Si Muyuan, she did it on purpose.I deliberately made Si Muyuan anxious. She has always held grudges and dared to call her a village girl. How could she let her go so easily?
 The sixth watch is over!I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!
(End of this chapter)

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