ace warm marriage

Chapter 1188 Troop Incoming Call

Chapter 1188 Troop Incoming Call ([-])

"Sheng Fenghua!" Si Muyuan was so angry that she squeezed out a few words between her teeth.

"What are you doing so loudly? I'm not deaf, I can hear you." Sheng Fenghua scratched his ears with a look of disgust, making Si Muyuan even more angry as if you were really noisy.

She stretched out her hand to grab Sheng Fenghua, trying to force Sheng Fenghua to take her other hand back.However, before her hand touched Sheng Fenghua, she said coolly, "You don't want your hand anymore?"

In a word, Si Muyuan's hand stopped in the air, and she glared at Sheng Fenghua.

"Okay, okay, don't look at me like this. Isn't it just to take over? I'll just take over for you." Sheng Fenghua had played enough, and didn't insist anymore, he waved his hand impatiently and said.

She sat up, took Si Muyuan's hand quickly, opened the car door, and said, "You can go."

However, Si Muyuan didn't leave immediately, but looked at her directly.

"Are you still busy?" Sheng Fenghua frowned, looking at Si Muyuan puzzled.The hands were taken back for her, but what was she still doing in a daze.At this time, isn't she as far away from him as possible?
"Where's the antidote?" Si Muyuan was so angry that her chest hurt, and she stared at Sheng Fenghua fiercely.She hated Sheng Fenghua before, but now she hates her even more.

Clearly agreeing to something, but deliberately delaying it, it can be seen that it is intentional.

"The antidote..." Sheng Fenghua deliberately dragged his voice for a long time, to whet Si Muyuan's appetite, and after whetting her appetite, he said two words lightly: "No!"

"Sheng Fenghua!" Si Muyuan gritted her teeth and called out Sheng Fenghua's name. She looked like she was going to eat her, and said, "You are playing me, I want to tell my father, I want to expose your true colors. I want to tell Everyone, don't be fooled by you."

"Okay, you can go ahead and talk about it." Sheng Fenghua didn't care at all, what she gave Si Muyuan was not only poison, but also a tonic.

Because, Si Muyuan has been married for many years, but she hasn't gotten pregnant because of the severe palace cold.Although she also took traditional Chinese medicine, the effect was not obvious.

That's why she took this opportunity to help her, lest she would just cause trouble by doing nothing all day long.When she is pregnant, she will not have the energy to make trouble.

"You, you!" Si Muyuan was so angry that she couldn't speak, got out of the car and left in a huff.

After getting out of the car, Si Muyuan made a phone call and asked the driver at home to pick her up, but instead of going home, she rushed directly to the mansion and complained to Mr. Si.

When they arrived at the mansion, Si Muyuan rushed directly into the courtyard where Mr. Si lived, and shouted loudly, "Dad, Dad!"

Hearing Si Muyuan's shout, Mr. Si, who was practicing calligraphy in the study, frowned, and put down the pen in his hand with an expression of displeasure.

After being disturbed by Si Muyuan, he couldn't continue writing.So, he came out of the study, saw Si Muyuan who was going upstairs, and asked, "What are you yelling about?"

"Dad, Dad, you have to decide for me." Si Muyuan felt aggrieved immediately when she saw Mr. Si, and said, "I was bullied."

"What's going on?" Mr. Si asked with a frown. Although he doesn't let Si Muyuan live in the Si family now, she is also the daughter of the Si family. Who dares to bully her? Is she impatient?

"Dad, it's Sheng Fenghua, she's the one who bullied me." Si Muyuan looked pitiful, with tears in her eyes that couldn't be shed, as if she had really been bullied miserably.

 Thanks for the reward of Free Flying, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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